Must Reach Senior Investor Status Before Posting URL's


Just went to a topic posted, and in the answer area, it read...

"Must Reach Senior Investor Status before posting URL's

What is URL's? Please explain this sentence.

Thank you very much, because this web site is great, and as new people to this site we do not want to do something by mistake. So please help us understand more or where to go on the site to clear up any questions concerning this.

Again thank you, and I appreciate all the knowledge you share with us!!!


  • appelgw28th July, 2003

    URL - Web site link

  • joel28th July, 2003

    The only acception to posting before you reach Senior Investor rank is posting an URL from TheCreativeInvestor. Anybody can post a URL from this website to help out other investors.

    For Example:

    will always work no matter what rank you are.

    We have had problems in the past with people abusing the Forum boards and using it to advertise themselves so thus we have had to eliminate the URL posting. Sorry for the inconvenience.[ Edited by joel on Date 07/28/2003 ]

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