
Hello I'm new to this site and don,t know if anyone could help me with this www.situation.I.have a chance to buy a single family house as REO the basemnt has had water atone point due to sumppumps out of order in part of bsmnt there is carpet .some areas have no carpet and it is dry (latest rains have not flooded bsmnt)however carpet is still damp/wet and there are actually mushrooms growing and the panelling has visual signs of milldew .should I be very concerned ,walk away from the deal(I only have another day to do so)or is it a fixable situation remedied by means of bleach and removal of paneling carpet etc. Any advice woul be greatly appreciated Thank you


  • 64Ford3rd October, 2004

    From your brief description it sounds like the problem is fixable, but the damage it caused may be a harder issue. If mushrooms are growing, I expect it is a lso a haven for mold / mildew. It is not impossible, but is more indepth. Ther are waterproofing companies that will give you quotes. I have also seen a couple of mold experts that address any of those sort of issues.

    Good Luck!

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