Please HELP!
My situation is this, I have red lots of information on this site from very encouraging people and I will continue because is the only hope I have to one day buy my first home.
My problem is that I analyze my deals to much. The other problem I am trying to overcome is that I see properties with motivate sellers advertise through a broker and the brokers sometimes can make the deal go sour.
I have tried to locate properties FSBO , but there are not to many and when I do find them the prizes around this area (Boston, MA) are very expensive.
My question is is there a better method to overcome the middle man (the broker) to get a deal in place?
I have some private lenders who are willing to assist and also a good broker I met who is willing to take his commision in the form of a note.
Please help as I am starting to believe that this is not possible to do.
Please I need encouragement and support through this rough times specially being a begginer.
Anything you can do to help will be more than appreciate.
Thankyou, for your time.