Finding A NYC Based CPA In Commercial Real Estate
We are new to commercial real estate and trying to find a NYC based CPA with experience in Commercial Real Estate/Apartment Housing who preferably owns their owns rental units. Any suggestions/recommendations? Thanks for your input.
As a mortgage broker who is forced to repeatedly compete with online lenders I have found that its very typical for an online bank to offer lower fees by give you a higher interest rate and then using the rebate (profit) from that to pay the closing costs you would incur. I would definately get a good faith estimate from the online lender you are looking at so can line by line see what the cost is. It may be a better deal, but a lot of times its just advertising hype. Best of luck-
I onced used eloan and they did a bait and switch. They have an incredible amount of doc requirements - at least when I used them, and then when I was about ready to close they gave me a different rate quote than they had originally offered. Needless to say, I was stuck, so I ended up using them, but would never deal with them again. I now have a relationship with a senior loan officer at a large bank and use him exclusively - he is great. He is on the ball and their rates are reasonable. He has closed loans for me in a very short period, sometimes in two to three weeks when I really needed it.
Yes, I meant 20% down. Sorry about that.
If it sounds too goo to be true it is. I am an owner of commercial real estate and work for an investment fund. Commercial has too many parts to be easy with online application.
st few rukes of increasing revenue are:
1. Get more revenue from every sale
2. Get more sales from existing clients.
Raise rents, charge for wireless internet, charge pet rent, ...
And you have some great ideas but a BUT after everyone. No buts!
" Vending machines"
go thru a vendoring virm. The own the machines and take the risk of loss or damage.
cell or wireless on roof
cable / direct broadcast Satellite
add ammenities/fix-up the units
Who pays expenses like water, sewer, elec, gas, etc?
You or them?