20 Unit Apartment Complex, Need Advice!

Looking to the experts here to assist me with crunching some numbers on this property. Below was supplied by owner. Looking for validation that nothing is missing / does not make sense / price is right considering below / etc.

Year Built 1971
Description: 2 Buildings of 10 units each (10 2 bdrm, 10 1 bdrm) w/ coin op laundry - on 8 acres - Northwestern Connecticut

Price: 1,299,999

Here are the stats:
Actual Income: $168,829
Proforma: 175,009
Expense: 48,819
NOI: $126,190 (based on proforma)
Cap: 10%

Expenses (/ yr):
Taxes: $16,247
Insurance: 4,180
Oil: 7,574
Septic: 1,500
Water Service: 5,016
Trash: 3,647
Exterior Maint.: 1,220 (snow & lawn)
Electric: 2,480
Plumbing: 1,258
Misc: 200
Advertising: 432
Vacancy (3%): 5,065

Many thanks for any insight, I am new here!

- James[ Edited by jd0101 on Date 03/23/2005 ]


  • roberth23rd March, 2005

    I would plug in different Numbers to come up with the NOI.

    Underwriters will look at this as if they would be getting it back from foreclosure.

    I would allow
    5% for vacancies
    5% for Management
    5% for repairs

    Even if you figure that you will do your own management, they will figure that they would have to hire one,and do repairs, and have vacancies.

    Good Luck,

  • tzachari23rd March, 2005

    There is no money in this deal assuming a 25% downpayment!!

    Here are my numbers (Rounded, yearly):

    Purchase Price: 1.3M
    Downpayment: 325K
    Amount Financed: 975K
    Income: 169K
    5% Management,5%Vacancy,3% Repairs = 169K * 13% = 22K
    Expenses: 49K
    Financing at 8.5% for 30 years: $90K

    Cash Flow = 169K-22K-49K-90K = 8K

    Rate of Return on Cash Invested = 8K/325K = 2.5%

    Heck, you can get better return than this.

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