Motivated Sellers

I am just starting out in flipping properties, and I need to know what are some good techniques in finding motivated sellers.


  • hrash28th July, 2003

    farm the target area and send postcards to them. looks for areas with houses about 20-30 yrs old and drive around to look for poorly-maintained ones and contact them.

  • itpro1528th July, 2003

    Sounds like a great idea but for the newbie who hasn't bought or sold a home before what would the postcards say? "My name is "joe" a local investor call if your past due on your mortgage? "

    I'm just curious because I would be interested in this too but just don't know exactly what to say as I am in inexperienced investor myself.


  • Joe_Investor28th July, 2003

    Go to the marketing forum for ideas.

  • hrash29th July, 2003

    I see .. well in that case, you really need to understand the whole business to the point you know what you are goning to do when someone contacts you.

    So postcard, fliers or whatever other methods you use to find sellers, will not do any good untill you feel confident that you can do the deal without looking like a newbie.

  • itpro1529th July, 2003

    Thanks hrash!

    Yea, postcards, flyers, signs, all those are great but I guess it's not what the signs say but what you say when you get the prospective seller on the phone?

    That is exacty what I'm trying to educate my self on. That and everything else that this business entails. Thanks again..


  • keoki6th August, 2003

    Finding motivated are some ways that work for me. Probate office contact the people that just filed in the last few months, most states or counties have a website that may or may not have tax information start searching the records for people who owe an excessive amount of money, recorder of deeds usually have a lot of people researching for title companies let them know that your an investor and that your interested in buying property....these people always hear about potential deals, drive around and look for board ups or run down properties ask neighbors about them and get ready to do some detective work. Bottom line is don't be afraid to just ask people that you meet on a daily basis if they or someone they know is interested in selling their property. You'll be surprised on how effective just asking will be.

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