Motivated Sellers Are Waiting - Part 2 of 2

Last time I shared with you WHY FSBO’s are a phenomenal source of motivated sellers and WHERE you can specifically find them.

Now it’s time to tackle the third BIG question for you?

HOW do you approach these motivated sellers to start getting deals... Last time I shared with you WHY FSBO’s are a phenomenal source of motivated sellers and WHERE you can specifically find them.

Now it’s time to tackle the third BIG question for you?

#3…………………………….HOW FSBO???

Okay, you found a pool of potentially motivated sellers, how do you reach out to them?

The easiest thing for you is to write one email that you just cut and paste each time you reply to a listing.

TIP – Be sure to add something personal at the beginning. Even a simple note about how you like their window treatments, will dramatically increase you chances of hearing back from them.

For our Done-For-You Deals Members, I recommend they simply send out an email offering the homeowner a www.fre.e video called “How-To Get An Instant House Sale.”

(STEALTHY TIP – notice the way I always type “fre.e” with a period in the middle? That’s because www.fre.e is one of those words SPAM filters hate. Use it and you greatly increase the likelihood your message will never reach its intended destination. But with this little trick you’ll slip in under the radar.)

The best part is not only does the video capture your prospect’s information on autopilot, but it also pre-sells, pre-qualifies and routinely follows up with them – all without you lifting a finger.

But if you’re not a member yet, no worries.

Here’s a sample of the kind of email you can send to FSBO’s.

My tips are in parenthesis.


Hi NAME (be sure to personalize it)

Saw your house listed on (name of site).

By the way, I really love your (window treatments or whatever – saying something specific significantly increases the likelihood your message will be taken seriously and not seen as SPAM)

I’m sure you’ve probably found a buyer already and this won’t even be right for you.

In case you didn’t, I thought it was worth a shot contacting you.

I work with homeowners in (NAME OF YOUR AREA). If you need instant cash for your house or don’t need the cash but just want to sell your house for full price, I can immediately help you.

Drop me a ring now at (YOUR PHONE NUMBER).

Again – you have a great place :o)

All the best,


PS – I know it’s hard to know who to trust on the internet these days. So feel www.fre.e to check me out at my website: (YOUR WEBSITE).


Now you have the WHY, WHERE and HOW to luring in those motivated sellers from the ever growing pool of FSBO’s.

But I have one last nugget for you…

You want to get instant bites – start throwing the bait in the water!

In case my fishing metaphor was too abstract, start making offers.

Remember – it costs you nothing to make an offer on the property.

And you can always re-negotiate or change your mind during attorney review.

But if you’re in a financial position where you can afford to immediately buy a property and you’ve just been waiting around…

Stop waiting and start offering!

Reach out to your FSBO’s.

Especially if the area you’re interested in has a high inventory of homes.

Maybe you offer 65% of asking price on a dozen houses.

Maybe 11 are offended – but the 12th is that hidden motivated seller who’s been waiting just for YOU!


You got a terrific deal!

Plus you helped out a homeowner who was stuck in his property.

And if you’re afraid you might offend someone – just let them know before the offer, “Hey, you have a nice property and this probably isn’t what you’re looking for. But I thought I’d make an offer anyway just in case. I fully expect you’ll turn it down.”

This savvy little technique is known as a “take-away”. Properly executed it not only eliminated the possibly of offending them, it piques their interest and, crazy as it sounds, it makes them want to prove you wrong by actually accepting your offer.

Finally, always remember – this is a contact sport.

There more contacts you make, the more you score.

Can you make a promise to yourself?

How about you commit to emailing just 10 FSBO’s a day?

That’s 50 per week…

Over 220 per month…

I’ll bet you dollars to donuts (hmmm… donuts) you’ll find your next great deal.

Here’s To Real Estate Deals With No Work,



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