Motivated Seller

I have a very motivated seller. She has been given the notice twice for the foreclosure but she paid them and got out of foreclosure. Now she has three payments to make which is about $2,000 a month. She cannot affored to do that. She wants to sell it but she wants good money for it but she cannot wait. She has to get rid of this place soon. Since she does not have good credit, she wants as much money she can get from this house so she can pay off the banks and buy another house with lesser payment amount. She owes the banks around $130,000. The house is worth around $200,000. How can I help her get rid of the house? How can I help my self to make some money? Any Ideas?


  • InActive_Account17th March, 2005

    This is not a friend of mine, this would actually be a property I would be interested in. What would be the best way make money with this? The orig loan amt was for $183,000 and is only 7mo old, it was 100% financed which means no money down. Subject to? Short sell?

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