Mortgage After A Bankruptcy

I filed bankruptcy 6 months ago, due to health reasons, now i am in better health, and would like to sell my house and buy new home, anyone know if this it at all posible ? I have not had any luck finding out if any mortgage company will touch me, while still in bankruptcy, or will i have to wait until bankruptcy has been discharged, and even then will any mortgage company work with me? : wink


  • DB20005th December, 2004

    If a chapter 7 bankruptcy, after 6 months, the Discharge should already have been granted. I presume a chapter 13 wage earner plan where you have payments.

    Unless the confirmed Plan says otherwise, you should be able to proceed for sale that would pay the mortgage in full.

    Similarly you will be able to buy new property.

    The effect of your mortgage on your future ability to get a new mortgage should be discussed with a loan broker.

  • tinman175510th December, 2004

    The above is statement is not true. If you can get a mortgage will depend on a few things. Did you put everything in the BK or just certain items? That has alot of impact on lending. IF you did put everything in your BK have you established any new credit. This is a must. If you did not put everything in the BK have you been paying on time? If you established new credit have you been paying on time? Health reasons are an acceptable reason for a BK, but are you cured, will it come back. All of these questions need to be answered before it can be determined if you can get a mortgage. One of the biggest problems that people have when they file a BK is that they do not check their credit until they want something. You should check your credit and make sure everything you put in the BK has been zeroed out on your credit report. This will help your credit score.


  • MYDREAM210th December, 2004

    Thanks to everyone for all the advice. I did put everything in the chapter 13 bk.

    As far as my illness, I am diabetic, but doing a whole lot better, back to work.

    I have not started building new credit yet, all the re-establish cc offers I see, all say if you have filed bk you are not eligible to apply, so I am trying to find a way to rebuild my credit. I am paying my mortage in time, hopefully that will help.

    Once again thanks for the reply, it least I know there is still hope for a new mortgage. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can build on my credit ? LOL

  • dbizman10th December, 2004

    It really isn't to hard to rebuild your credit as long as you pay on time, period. Try getting Staple, Office Depot, Home Depot accounts and buy some stuff and pay it off. This will help you establish new good accounts which will help in the score of your credit.
    Good Luck,
    ( I can try to help with the old stuff if you want.)

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