More Question On John Locke's Subject2 Manual

I am a newbie in REI, read a lot of good things on John Locke's book and thinking about buying John Locke's book to get started in Subject to.

I've read books, purchased few packages with audio CDs on different ways of REI and tried the suggested methods but it was not working for me. I think the authors of these REI packages make thing sound too sweet and too easy and not really including the detail steps for a newbie like myself.

$150 is not much but I already spent thousands on material like this and I dont want to fall for this trap again.

If anyone has used his book as REI beginners, please let me know what makes John Locke's book better than the rest. Has anyone tried it in the Chicagoland area?

Thank you all in advance and keeping this website informative.

- Roland


  • ahabion30th October, 2003

    tho i havent bought JL's sub-2 manual yet, i still truely believe that if you spent thousands on those others (sheets, legrand, etc) i bet your best bet is to go ahead and get JL's manuals. I really wish i had Thousands to use so i couldve gotten his stuff earlier too. But yes i've read many excellent reviews about JL's manual from INVESTORS HERE! so i have no doubt that this is the next training manual i wanna get once i can get 500 together to get his training thing. he knows what hes talking about, and i truely believe he IS the geniune article, especially when it comes to helping people.

    JohnLocke has made me into a believer.


  • Jose7130th October, 2003


    I'm also a newbie REI. I started with the Carlton Sheets book almost a year and it only confused me, so I decided to join TCI.

    Since im a beginner I just read and kept on reading forums trying to asborb some knowledge and every where I went to, people were talking about John Locke. So I was wondering who the hell is this John Locke everyone is talking about. I kept on reading some more and his name continue to appear. Then I decided to keep an eye out for this John Locke { keep in mind im not a stalker}.

    One day I was reading a post and I've noticed John Locke mentioned that SUB TO will be good for beginners so I started reading SUB TO articles. I found it interesing so thats the route I chose for REI. People mentioned his book and since I was interested I purchased the book. I read it once already and it took me one day because its interesting and its in english.

    The book is well worth it but the best part of it is the yellow note pad. Also keep in mind the 150 not only gets you a good book but also a MENTOR that you can contact 24/7 via email ,he included his cell # and also another site that you can go too for more information.

    Can he be the ROBIN HOOD of SUB TO's ??

    Now ask yourself " All the material you bought already how many of them have you contacted them for some help?" If you said NONE I suggest you pawn your other material and buy his book. What do you have to lose....


  • rcummings30th October, 2003

    A good thing to do is read all of the how to articles you can find. They will cover just about every subject that you can think of. Go to the bookstore and look for some books on real estate investing.

    Depending on your situation ($$$ and credit wise) pick a strategy that you might want to try out. Zero in on that area by reading everything you can get your hands on. Come here and ask tons of questions and you will get tons of answers.

    Sometimes when you just read, read, and read and don't do anything you become just a reader and not a doer. Start small and you will grow large....

    Hoped that helped~

  • InActive_Account30th October, 2003


    What is the yellow pad and have you done a deal using his book yet? If so, can you share your success story with us and how long it took to get your profit after reading the book?


  • jeffcc2nd November, 2003


    I am an experienced, succesful ($450k Equity) investor that has hit a wall with my debt ratio. I have never used Sub2 before.

    I will be buying John's info because his Sub 2 info is incredible. His technique will allow me to get small or BIG deals without resorting to hard money lenders then refinancing or taking in partners and sharing the profits. Sub 2 is a great tool I will be using on my next deal.

  • nebulousd2nd November, 2003

    I have used the manual and have done deals with it.

    It does work and needless to say, I have picked up 2 more houses in the past week. I have 5 more appointments set to go talk to sellers this coming week.....I'm not saying I'm going to buy all of 5, but setting the appointment is one of the steps. invest in the manual and you won't be sorry, it really is that great.

  • Ladybug2nd November, 2003

    The worst thing that will happen to those of you who have spent thousands on REI material and only now decide to buy John Locke's Subjet to manual is: you will severely and sincerely regret having spent those thousands of dollars on all the other REI materials, some may tear their hair out of their heads, but then there is always AVACOR! LOL

    The worst that happened to me after getting the Subject to manual was: regretting all the wasted time trying to do REI the old conventional way and getting nowhere!

    Buying the Subject to manual is the best investment I made, it is great! The manual is easy to read, gives a step-by-step instruction what to say and do, and then there is John Locke himself, always ready to help, no BS, no beating around the bushes, just straight forward and honest!

    Doing Subject to investing is easy, fast and very satisfactory for everyone involved in the transaction. And fun!


  • sacramentophil12th November, 2003

    It's worth every cent and then some! My girlfriend and I went to Las Vegas last month to see Dolf de Roos and Gene Burns ($6K) and while I don't have any regrets about that, I wish I had purchased John Locke's manual a lot sooner than I did. (I just got it this week).
    It rocks!

  • Optimum12th November, 2003

    Read my post @

    All the best!


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