Monthly H20 Bill Outrageous! Help Please!

I am buying a 4 family and called the water co. to determine the yearly water bill for the property I'm buying. They said the water bill was double almost triple what four people should use. (there are four people there).
I talked with four different people there just to confirm the outrageous amount. They all said the same...... "WOW! "
The deal isn't over. What can I do?
ICalled the current owner to and asked him to get a water inspection which can be done by the water co. I'm sure he'll do it.

Im wondering if maybe somethings going on in one of the units. I guess there is no way to determine who is using all the water??????
ANy suggestions??
Could there be something wrong with the plumbing?I just had it inspected and the inspector did not say anything.
ANy advice would be appreciated.


  • rmdane200019th October, 2004

    Just saying its 4x what it should be doesn't say much ($$$ or gallons)...How old of a building are we talking about? Has the plumbing ever been updated? One thing people don't recognize is that dripping plumbing fixtures really add up...I read somewhere...can't remember...said that the average cost of a dripping faucet is $5 a month...Also, there might be more included in the water bill, for example, on properties where I pay the water, I also pay sewer and garbage (same bill)

  • Dumdido19th October, 2004

    You'll need some tenant cooperation, but make sure that everything (sink, toilet, hose, etc., is off and then watch the meter. Is it still spinning - there is an undergound leak or something. If the meter stops the tenants are using alot more water then they should be.

    Would it be plausable to have each unti put on a seperate meter?

  • bubbapoof19th October, 2004

    We had an outrageous water bill too! It turned out to be a broken water line between the street and the house. It didn't affect our water pressure in the house, however, because the pressure was so high at the street. Now, with the water line repaired, we needed to install a pressure regulator. Oh, and the cost to repair the water line was all ours - the responsibility for the maintenance of the water line once it crosses your property line is all yours. It was not covered by our homeowners' insurance either! A very expensive $2,500 lesson!

  • 64Ford19th October, 2004

    If you can go there when a 4 tenants are presnet and ask them to turn off all water in their units. Then go to water meter. If it is still running, when everything is supposed to be off, there is a leak somewhere.
    Any soggy areas in ground?
    If meter is not running when everything is turned off, then I would suspect some tenant(s) like using water when they don't have to pay for it. I would recommend getting seperate meters, and letting the tenants pay their own water.
    I have heard of, but never used, private meters that are less expensive than having the water company put meters at every unit.

    Another water user is leaky toilets. Put some food coloring (or that blue toilet cleaner) in tank and let it set for awhile. Advise tenants not to use/flush toilet in the meantime. Come back later and if the water in the toilet bowl now is tinged with the coloring, the flap from the tank needs to be replaced.

  • MARYELLEN19th October, 2004

    Thanks for all the info.
    The yearly bill was 1600.00$.
    It does include sewage fees. Last months bill was 600$. Tpical usage for occupancy is 40 -50 units. The building is using 100-170 units of water every three months. (units of what I dont know, this is what they told me).

    How did you know ther was a water line break?
    What should I do with the owner at this point we are almost ready to finalize. Any suggestions as to what I should do before we close? Thanks so much for all the advice. I will do the toilet thing and turn off all the water and see what happens

  • rmdane200019th October, 2004

    $1,600 for the year isn't bad, that is only $33/mo/unit, I typically budget $50/mo/unit when estimating expenses. But, the $600 last month is pretty crazy...maybe they made a mistake reading the meter?

    People have already told you how to check... #1 have all tenants turn off their water fixtures and look at meter....or, if you have a single inside shutoff valve for the building, close it and then check the meter...if it is moving after either of these are done, you likely have a water line leak...

  • ceinvests19th October, 2004

    Many water companies/counties will work with you to isolate a major water use. I have 3 experiences to add quickly.
    1. Last quarter my bill went from 25. to 110. in my house. I rented my basement 'in-law' apt. to a guy who let the toilet run several times (long times) if it got stuck. (Oblivious) Thats all it took.
    2. On 10/31/02 I bought a home. By the time the water bill came out as my tenant moved in 12/15/02, the water company said "Oh my ...." per usage. They helped me isolate that the problem (exterminator nicked PVC-break)was between the crawl and the street. No water ever surfaced. Ouch!!
    3. In 2/03 another new purchase, tenant suddenly got a huge water bill. Pipes had frozen underground between house and street and broke. No surface water. Ouch!!

  • MARYELLEN22nd October, 2004

    turns out as toilet was leaking. Yhe h20 co. came out to determine this. I dont know if this will fix the entire problem. I hope so. does it seem possible to have 1 toilet increase h20 usage more than double?

  • ncboater22nd October, 2004

    I just replace in my own house 3 toilets for the newer ones. My water bill dropped from 120 to 80 in the next month. Toilets are usually the first place I will look from now on. My plumber friend told me to make sure all sinks, toilets, dishwasher, washing machines were off and go check the meter. If its still running turn all the valves in the house off and got check again. If meter is still running than the problem is usually outside. Pain in the a## but you can do it 1 at a time unitl all are shut off and find your problem. Lots of running back and forth.

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