Money In Bird-dogging?

I have a wholesaler who is offering 10 dollars for the home info, and 15 dollars for the owner info, is this reasonable?


  • 3qu1ty17th November, 2003

    In my experience this is way undervalued. I would expect at least $250-$500 if not more depending on the amount of leg work you do.

  • way_motivated17th November, 2003

    How much you get paid for birddogging is usually based on how good of a deal you bring an investor and how little work he has to do to close the deal. Do look to make much $$$ biorddogging. It's only good for learning the trade so you can start clsoing deals yourself....

  • way_motivated17th November, 2003

    I don't think this is undervalued, you aren't providing any useful info, if he wanted to, the investor can get this information himself with a little work....

  • Bruce17th November, 2003


    There is not a whole lot of information to go on, but it sounds like the old "drive around the neighorhood and take pictures of vacant houses". That is worth $10-$15 a picture and address.

    The reason it is so small is two fold:

    1) 95%+ will be useless. The owners are on vacation or something.

    2) It is the bare minimum amount of work.

  • Voodood17th November, 2003

    I just did a bird dog deal with an investor that earned me $1,000. I found the property, provided comps, did an estimate of repairs and even did some negotiation with the seller before turning it over. It was a deal I did not want to pursue but still found a way to make a few dollars for about 3 hours of time invested.

    I wanted to provide value for the investor and same him some time in due diligence work. He made my effort worthwhile.

    Mike in AZ

  • sacramentophil17th November, 2003

    i think that new bird dogs needs to understand the difference between an actual lead and useless public information. personally, i'm sick and tired of wannabes trying to sell me an NOD that i already have, or the name and address of the owner of some vacant house. what kind of lead is that? that's garbage.
    I wish I could find someone who knew how to be a real bird dog...i would love to put money into his/her pockets![ Edited by sacramentophil on Date 11/17/2003 ]

  • cpifer17th November, 2003

    Good job VooDood - that is how it is done. All your birddogs and wannabe birddogs pay attention:

    Sacramento Phil is SOOOOO right!


  • jackman17th November, 2003

    then i wish i lived in sacramento or dallas, because i tried everything short of buying the damn places myself when i birddogged and couldn't find a "serious" investor to save my life. i have a lot of folx contact me and i would get excited ... to find out that nothin would ever pan out. hahaha. i always thought the investors were the phonies - until now of course ... b/c i am one.

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