Money For Rehab; No Credit Check Or LTV

I can assist you in obtaining money for fixing up property, office and computer equipment, purchasing automobiles, and obtaining leases regardless of your credit history and without having to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE the loan by assisting you in obtaining credit under a corporation.


To obtain credit under your own name, you must first qualify under the creditors lending guidelines. If your credit rating is poor, then your application most likely will be denied. Each time you apply for credit, the creditor runs a credit inquiry, and each inquiry lowers your personal credit score. If you are granted credit, and you are unable to service the debt, then your credit rating will suffer. Consequently, you will lose the ability to obtain future credit.

As a separate legal entity, a corporation has the power to act in any way permitted by law and by its own corporate charter. For example, a corporation can enter into contracts, buy and sell both real and personal property, as well APPLY FOR and ESTABLISH ITS OWN CREDIT RATING.

Unlike personal credit, credit inquiries do not affect a corporations credit score. In addition, normally, shareholders, directors, and officers are not responsible for corporate liabilities. If the corporation suffers losses, the corporation itself must bear those losses to the extent of its own resources and credit rating, and not the personal assets or the PERSONAL CREDIT RATING of the individual shareholders or officers. If the corporation is unable to service its debts for unforeseen reasons, then the corporation’s credit rating (not yours) will suffer.

If you have a corporation, I can help your corporation establish a strong credit rating so that the corporation will be in a position to qualify for lines of credit for “fixing up” your properties. If you do not have a corporation, I can assist in setting up a corporation, and then help you build a strong credit rating so that your corporation will be in a position to qualify for lines of credit.

This whole process can be accomplished within 30-45 days. Remember that these are credit lines and not one time installment loans. Therefore, once you obtain these credit lines under a corporation, you will have continued access to this capital as long as the corporation makes its payments in a timely manner.

I am confident that I can help you obtain these credit lines because I have obtained them for myself under three separate corporations. Moreover, I have assisted a few of my close personal friends in obtaining credit as well. Accordingly, I guarantee my service. If you would like more information, please contact me at **Please See My Profile**



  • InActive_Account1st September, 2003

    Looks like you have posted this 5 times.

    Perhaps you should have read the rules.

  • doza1st September, 2003

    SoCalBuilder, please update or enter
    your profile ( E-mail address ) so other's
    can contact.

  • randee7th December, 2003

    On 2003-09-01 01:11, SoCalBuilder wrote:
    I can assist you in obtaining money for fixing up property, office and computer equipment, purchasing automobiles, and obtaining leases regardless of your credit history and without having to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE the loan by assisting you in obtaining credit under a corporation.


    To obtain credit under your own name, you must first qualify under the creditors lending guidelines. If your credit rating is poor, then your application most likely will be denied. Each time you apply for credit, the creditor runs a credit inquiry, and each inquiry lowers your personal credit score. If you are granted credit, and you are unable to service the debt, then your credit rating will suffer. Consequently, you will lose the ability to obtain future credit.

    As a separate legal entity, a corporation has the power to act in any way permitted by law and by its own corporate charter. For example, a corporation can enter into contracts, buy and sell both real and personal property, as well APPLY FOR and ESTABLISH ITS OWN CREDIT RATING.

    Unlike personal credit, credit inquiries do not affect a corporations credit score. In addition, normally, shareholders, directors, and officers are not responsible for corporate liabilities. If the corporation suffers losses, the corporation itself must bear those losses to the extent of its own resources and credit rating, and not the personal assets or the PERSONAL CREDIT RATING of the individual shareholders or officers. If the corporation is unable to service its debts for unforeseen reasons, then the corporation’s credit rating (not yours) will suffer.

    If you have a corporation, I can help your corporation establish a strong credit rating so that the corporation will be in a position to qualify for lines of credit for “fixing up” your properties. If you do not have a corporation, I can assist in setting up a corporation, and then help you build a strong credit rating so that your corporation will be in a position to qualify for lines of credit.

    This whole process can be accomplished within 30-45 days. Remember that these are credit lines and not one time installment loans. Therefore, once you obtain these credit lines under a corporation, you will have continued access to this capital as long as the corporation makes its payments in a timely manner.

    I am confident that I can help you obtain these credit lines because I have obtained them for myself under three separate corporations. Moreover, I have assisted a few of my close personal friends in obtaining credit as well. Accordingly, I guarantee my service. If you would like more information, please contact me at **Please See My Profile**



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