Watch Out For Omega

All moderators, please look out for Omega or versions of him this evening.

For those that don't know. We have removed him from the website due to threats to our users and his threats to us.

We have taken secondary precautions to block him from coming onto our website, but of course he could try to disguise himself as another jerk posting.

If you see ANY suspicious activity, please contact me ASAP.

Thanks guys.


  • DaveT28th February, 2004

    kingmondey's message in this thread resonates like omega.

  • joel28th February, 2004

    Nope not him. Thanks for posting though. That post should have been deleted anyway.


  • nebulousd14th March, 2004

    DealerJo is his new alias. I picked up on the missed spelled words.

  • JohnLocke14th March, 2004


    Nancy Chadwick private messaged me that Dealer Jo was omega last night, I am glad you picked up on it also.


  • joel14th March, 2004

    Dealer Jo IS NOT Omega. I have double checked. They are coming from two seperate areas of the country.

  • KyleGatton19th March, 2004

    It has become a game amongst the members. I was told that Dealer Jo was Omega as well by two members yesterday. Is there anyway to ban his IP address from accessing the site? It would at least stop the cat and mouse game.

  • joel19th March, 2004

    That it the thing. DealerJo is coming from a totally seperate part of the US.

    IP's can be tracked to geographic areas.

    On 2004-03-19 11:24, KyleGatton wrote:
    It has become a game amongst the members. I was told that Dealer Jo was Omega as well by two members yesterday. Is there anyway to ban his IP address from accessing the site? It would at least stop the cat and mouse game.

  • nebulousd19th March, 2004

    And his other MO is CREIPAP

    Joel, Omega has several accounts and is broadcasting some how thru various IP. Actually, it isn't that hard to do because there are several software programs out there that either hide, disguise, conceals your IP address. I use to use one such program until I got a hard wired firewall.

    Dealer JO

    ALL the same person. My favorite word that he types is stile (style). he's the only one that does it.

    Parts of his post often sound intelligent then idiotic. He plagiarizes when he can then adds his crap to make it sound legit.

    Below are his postings in Lufos's last article.

    Re: Manipulation of Hud and marginal properties
    (Score: 1)
    by on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 @ 16:49:09 EST
    (User Profile | Send a Message)
    Congratulations Lufos. You busted Tinman AKA Lori's HUD scheme at list 100% accurately. Can you tell if FBI is on the way? You and Omega Lucius are the biggest scam busters on TCI. But of course, that's my 2¢!!!!

    Re: Manipulation of Hud and marginal properties
    (Score: 1)
    by CREIPAP on Thursday, March 18, 2004 @ 16:26:19 EST
    (User Profile | Send a Message)
    Hello rlw1. I do read old posts. Did Nancy tell you about? Coincidentally, your writing stile is so similar to hers I wonder if you are here for this post only or you are planing to stay?

    Please stay. The bigger family is always happier one. You can ask me any question you want. I'll be glad to help you as much as I could!

    Re: Manipulation of Hud and marginal properties
    (Score: 1)
    by DealerJo on Thursday, March 18, 2004 @ 01:36:40 EST
    (User Profile | Send a Message)
    Lufos, you've done it again man! My dear god, you are fantastic. Your articles fly like a new 1944 Spitfire and should be framed and posted in the TCI headquarters in Washington, DC. When you move them there, hopefully soon enough. West Coast brunch should be on Beverly Hills and the mainland one in Dallas, TX, the center of the universe. Our friend WheelerDealer should be advanced to a position in charge of door locking checkup and security, bouncing back and forth between predawn and dusk. Get them tiger. Don't let anyone slips. If all go as planed, I should be able to provide the lease on the local building and first cl***** land. ( using OPM of course) And as new young secretary of The New Container Homes Based HUD you'll have to do all you sad, even make me want to move in one of the nicer red ones. In-fill the empty lots throughout the states shod be therefore blazing fast; watch how fast the trend move.

    I can even picture Michael Jackson coming out of the state pen on the shaded window buss and getting into his stretch limo, rushing on his way to his new mention on Beverly Hills built from heavy duty caliber II, 35-45 footers ISO containers. I can see it man. Hurry up, make your moves fast because da time flies.

    Once you take the supreme position, I am convinced you'd expose all the RE crooks to the last. Like you've sad, that Realtor from Pennsylvania is just the beginning. ( wonder how did you drill through the HUD chain of buyers scam). We need more people in politics like you. The only think I am afraid is if you would in deed accept the cheef of THE HUD post with all those millions you already have to care about. Being mega-rich is not a joke. But listen to me, I forgot I am talking about the, The Container King! What's your favorite color? I love red. It makes it easiest for one to paint the white cross. Swiss Models are still the best. They are hermetic. Neither rein nor the wind can get in there. Love the ultra wide open floor plan. You got my full vote!

    Re: Manipulation of Hud and marginal properties
    (Score: 1)
    by DealerJo on Friday, March 19, 2004 @ 02:55:33 EST
    (User Profile | Send a Message)
    Wow Lufos, Lori doesn't seem to like your article nor I think she'd like to have certain enforcement agencies spoil her retirement plan for Caimans, the biggest tax money hideaway. Can you fix it up so she doesn't feel exposed? Please do it for us girls. I hate to se the FBI brakes in to the joint and close it up. That would not be fun.

  • joel19th March, 2004

    The Free Trial runs out for Dealer Jo at the end of this month.

  • nebulousd19th March, 2004

    An article on how to do such things like Omega is below,24330,2420924,00.html

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