Email Or Private Message??

We are going to be putting in a 'Report this Post' feature into the forums that will alert the moderators of the advertisement, board hustling, or such.

Do you guys want to receive an Email when they report it or a Private Message.


  • JohnLocke9th December, 2003


    I would think an e-mail would be easier.

    I say this because most everyone checks their e-mail frequently, at least I do, so the response time would be better to help the poster if we are not on the board at the time a problem occurs.


  • GlennI10th December, 2003

    I also vote for email (allow us to designate multiple email accounts please).

    I can get instant notification when a new email arrives.


  • loanwizard11th December, 2003

    I check email 4-5 times a day. It would make it tons easier.


  • nebulousd17th December, 2003

    I would value the PM more so.

    Could we get an option?
    "Do want to be notified via PM or email?"

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