Moderators ONLY Please!

Please dont take this as overbearing and rude.

I have a serious question and not trying to be a smart a$$!!!!!

Is it possible since it is against rules here and all posts deleted for inquirying about seeking EXPERIENCED mentors to see if there is a way of these people VOLUNTEERING their contact info and where they would liek to in the country???

An example to help clarify why I ask this.

I as well as many I have seen post in here seek the help or ask about mentorship. I know it cant be directly asked and cant be directly accountable by only the people agreeing to this BUT is it not something that some would be interested as I would.

The newbie would learn and the EXPERIENCED could gain by increasing their area in which they could find deals or profit from a free sort of speaking bird dog to help hunt down more deals. This would all be volunteer to eliminate any liabilities and used on ones own risk from both newbie and experienced persons.

This is just an idea and thought I would ASK???

If not possible could this be deleted or response sent to say why this has no merit???

I apologize if this sounds too rude or stupid BUT I am new and learning from quite a few guys here which I would like to be able to see if any of them volunteer which I can immprove my bottomline as well as theirs.

Thanks again



  • StuckKanuck23rd March, 2005


    Thank You and I can see now what you would mean. I am more of an open book type person and what I do is open so everyone can see. this is how I do things for then I have no fear or worries about having anything in my closet to haunt in the future if it ever came about. I guess my niavity shows to the most.

    I am looking to learn BUT I am also poor unless one of the deals I have in the works actually come through. I find out this week on two if I got the financing and I am super nervous as I followed everything to the "T" to MY capabilities. This has limited knowledge about as trying to get a bucket of water from the desert and me being the poor sap carrying the bucket. Difficult task without the extra weight but I have taken on the impossible and hoping for a prayer in the wind and not a motivational speech on how it can be done from someone on a podium BUT help from a "DOER".

  • StuckKanuck23rd March, 2005

    Thanks again!!!!!

    I am looking at your site and learning some important information. I think you will soon be getting 3 new students.

    You can delete this post as I now see the reasons why no mentor volunteeer sign up is available.



  • ZinOrganization23rd March, 2005

    great reply John! your exactly right, anybody could respond to you saying "yeah i am a pro and will mentor you, just send me a check first" your opening yourself up to getting scamed, and thats exactly why its not allowed.

    im no moderator and dont claim to be one, but i think your best bet is to go to your local investors meeting and seek out one of the local major players, usually the guys who speak at and put together these meetings. that way you know there out in your local market doing deals. let them know your willing to bird dog deals for them in return for there knowledge(if you are willing)

    anyways good luck to you.

    John is also a great mentor, you wont be dissapointed if you invest in his course/mentoring. he should probably charge more money for the service he provides students. [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 03/23/2005 ]

  • commercialking9th April, 2005

    Well one more word on this subject. My advice is not to pay for a mentor. A true mentor will work with you to do deals. He will make money when the deals get done. So will you.

    I have many people I work with on this basis from absolute beginners to people who mentor me. None of us have ever paid a fee to any of the others. We work together. Sometimes I find a deal and I am looking for an investor partner. Sometimes somebody else finds a deal and brings it to me. Sometimes I get a little piece just for "structuring" the thing which is something I happen to be very good at. Sometimes I play matchmaker between guys who have money and those who have skills.

    But for the most part we get paid to make things happen-- not just to charge tuition.

    There is at least one member of TCI who will read this (Hi Tom!) and will confirm that he called me up offering to pay me for my time to mentor him and I turned him down but I said I would do deals with him. There is one in the pipeline under contract and I think we have two or three more that look viable.

    The point is that the real Real Estate dealmakers will be glad to work with you on whatever basis you bring to the table. Figure out what you are good at and what you need-- then find guys who need what you are good at and have what you need.
    [ Edited by commercialking on Date 04/09/2005 ]

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