Tools Of The Trade "How To Move Homes"

Let me expand on the subject title just a bit.

"How to move homes once you have purchased them"

I get a lot of questions on how I get my funding, or get the buyers but I think one of the questions I get the most concerns how do you move the home once I get it purchased.

Well the easy answer is have a buyer in place! Truthfully this is one of my most hated statements of all becuase it reminds me of so many guru books speaking of the hype ones.
You know, ever seen a get rich seminar and some guy mentions all you need to do is have buyers, or are way will have buyers knocking your door down smile
Well, I have learned to get buyers, havent yet figured out how to get them to knock my doors down yet lol

Anyway, no matter how much it sounds like the ole saying, its the truth, have buyers in place. Was a little more dificult when I first started, but, it gets easier as I go along.
My problem now is finding enough Homes to fit my potential buyers. I have mentioned in previous post some of the tools I use to secure buyers, but I have to say one of my favorites is online.
I like to place ads online, I use my web site extensively to show product and or to pull in interested buyers and switch them to homes we have in the field.

I use various online classified sections to get the word out and it works. I will average as many as 4 to 6 customer inquiries every week.
Of them 3 I would say are true potentials. Some are just lookie loos as I call them. Time waisters!!!!

I am always keeping my eyes open for areas to place ads especially for free online. I have found a few I like but I am always on the look out for more... uh, feel free to share any you find would love to know about them.

Anyway, I also use the local paper, which is effective. Once I have the buyer, well its just a matter of matching them with the right home and then praying they arent just lookie loos, but serious buyers.

Well its late, or early depending how you want to look at it going to go get some rest now



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