MLS Listing

How do I obtain a mls listing without going through a real estate agent
Have a great day


  • verne_j8th August, 2003

    Its not the most current listings but some are.



  • hrash8th August, 2003

    you can also talk to a broker so he givse you public access for a fee.

  • InActive_Account8th August, 2003

    I'm waiting to here back from a local broker but was wondering when he calls, what type of fee they'll charge me for access to the MLS ?

    Thanks in advance, Mark

  • fauche658th August, 2003

    Do you not have an agent you can trust to help you out?

  • InActive_Account8th August, 2003

    Haven't found one yet that I feel I can work effectively with. Still looking

  • pmatheson18th August, 2003

    It is ILLEGAL in most areas for an agent to freely distribute MLS information, He could lose his MLS rights..

    If you find an agent that you click with, and tell him what you want to do, usually they will work with you, hoping for some business.......

  • broker8th August, 2003

    If you do a google search for your region with a + "mls" ..and other variations; you will find a few real estate companies which will list your property for one time set up fee...strictly MLS listing only.
    In tampa bay, there are 2 - 3 of these, and they charge about $350 for each listing.

  • lildell8th August, 2003

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