MLS Limitations

This is for a general question and statement:
I listed my contract with an agent and he put it on MLS (multiple listing service). I thought this would make it available to everyone in the world. In reality it was listed only in 3 counties in my state, N.C. Now I have it listed in MLS in
Georgia also and I presume in only several counties.
I would appreciate a further explanation of the workings of MLS for my reference and other forum users. I am sure that I am not the only one with misconseptions about the scope of this service.
Thanks in advance, and yes I will discuss and learn more from my broker also. When I do I will post that info here for all you friends.
Happy hunting!


  • GFous4th October, 2003

    Each MLS system has it's own scope. Many of the systemss allow the agent that listed the property to check a box that allows that listing to be listed by others on the web. Make sure your agent always uses this feature.

    I use a system on my site that allows visitors to check the MLS for the entire state. I pay a monthly fee for this service to have it available on my site. The MLS details are not as good, but it allows people to search with out belonging to an MLS.

    Gregg Fous

    "Your path to success will become clearer once you begin your first steps"[ Edited by GFous on Date 10/05/2003 ]

  • ArtisticArt5th October, 2003

    Thanks Greg. I will always request the ability for others to list in the future. We'll see what comes from that. I appreciate the info. Thanks again for sharing your time and expertise.

  • InActive_Account5th October, 2003

    Most if not all MLS listings also allow the basic information to be listed on the National Assocition of Realtors internet website . Supposedly this site gets 2-3 millions hits a day. I'm not giving the URL because it will just be blocked by this forum. Ask your agent. It sound like you are not getting the type of response you had hoped for. Is the property priced right? Do you have the right agent? Is there a marketing plan on paper or in effect? You and your agent need to have a meeting- if your property has been offered for sale for a resonable time on the market.

  • 64Ford7th October, 2003

    Here's the site sammyvegas was referring to:

    Now see if you can find your MLS listings there

  • vmginc7th October, 2003

    Please understand that not every agent uses his/her access to the MLS in the same way nor has the same type of access... I know for myself, when I list a property on the MLS, it not only gets put on the local MLS, but I also put it on a State and National list as well. We have alot of out of state as well as out of country Clients so the access to each and every listing is something that I strive for. I also list the property on quite a few nationally & internationally exposed websites. This keeps me in having constant contact and constant traffic with many people...

    Please understand that one should just not pick an agent because of his name, time in the business, or because he is a "friend". It is a regrettable fact, but Friends don't usually help friends in this situation. Good Luck...

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