MLS Access In Different States

My dad lives in Florida, has his real estate license and is able to access MLS. I live in Oregon and would like to have access to all the "secret" info on MLS. Would he be able to get me that info, or do different states have different access passwords?


  • active_re_investor5th July, 2004


    If you are in the metro Portland area there is a large and active RE investing organization. is the URL

    There are agents there who you can work with.

    As to secret information, I am not so sure. If there were such great secrets there would be more RE agents who would be wealthy. Just ask your father about the secrets.

    You can do a search of the MLS database through Not sure how the local information is mapped to what has access to. It seems to be a good representation of the local info when I was looking up some places in OR.


  • Lufos5th July, 2004

    Dear Kells,

    If as you say you have this undying desire to mix into the dirt. Why not take the license? You do not have to make it your life's career. I mean I went to Law School and I have no intention of playing in the law. Its just another source of information.

    Easy solution and there is a lot more going on then just the MLS. there are all kinds of other sources you should know about IPOL is a goody but you have to be a Real Estate Person to get onto that. Besides go to some of the meetings. A bit Rotaryan but much to learn. Talk to some of the people. Try not to laugh and do not get rude or vulger. Somebody has to have a manner or two. But you can learn a lot. Besides the leads from my fellow Brokers are many and varied. A lot of them they have not a clew as to what to do with them. It is like a feed lot for cattle. People turn and stare when I go MOOO!

    Enjoy, I do. Lucius 8-) 8-) 8-)

  • Lufos5th July, 2004

    Let me give you one example as to why it pays to be a Real Estate License Holder.

    I go to a Board meeting. A lady Broker stands up and starts in describing this sorry piece of Real Estate she is going to have to sell. Its a 60 unit and she thinks it may have to go thru Probate.

    As she talks she describes every crime of bad management. 30% vacancy factor. Slow rental collections cause the tenants are not good. Away she goes. blah blah blah.

    Another broker and I are sitting in the back, he looks at me and we both nod, get out of our chairs, out to our cars and we are on our way to the property.

    We get there. It is dirty and fuzzy. A broken down old pickup truck is parked right in front of the managers office. It is up on jacks and kids are playing around and all is dust and dirt and the blaring of rancho music. Classic poor poor management. Guy does not even speak Spanish a requirement in this area.

    I call the office and get them to look up the ownerships and the other Broker and I agree to split the deal. Buy the property fix it up, clean it up change the management.

    All of which we do. No need for probate the estate just slides under. We take over insert proper management. Get the weekly rental system going and clean up the place. Anybody behind on rents turns into a gardner and remember most of these folks are really good at it. I buy the stuff they make it grow and suddenly flowers and grass and all the kids have their clothes on and the car fixing is done way out in the back where we have a garage. A little paint. Turn off the music. Teach a little clean up. Deliver about 100 lbs of Boric Acid the cockroaches disapointment and we got a winner. We fill it up the minute we go on weekly rentals. We have all the wives set up the little jar for 10% of every payday and every odd job and baby sit etc. etc.

    We sell the thing on the 4th month. But we keep the management cause we have sweat all over the landscape and we now know and love the people my god the really good tortillas Yip. The broker and I split a profit. Oh yes no other brokers involved. we sold it to an REIT.
    See you can get a lot of exposure at one of the Board meetings. If you have a sense of humor they are rather interesting. Sit at the back so you can get out fast and park near the door.

    Cheers Lucius

  • investoraz5th July, 2004

    I understand your desire to have access to "the underworld." However, I have found that working with various agents has a much greater opportunity. These agents are aware of, and can tell you about opportunities prior to, or when they first become available. I am currently in the process of purchasing one an agent called me about the day it was listed, and many others are trying to buy it, but I got an offer in right away. If I was dependant on checking the MLS on my own, I would not have had first chance at it! Good luck to you.

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