Mitigation / Bank Contact List

Here is a resource Topic I have yet to find, A Contact List for the many lenders/banks we each deal with regularly - their Mitigations Dept. Contact phone number and Fax number.

That would be a sweet list to have, wouldn't it?

Anyone care to share?

Some I'm personally looking for now:
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Washington Mutual
Chase Manhattan

I know I'd love to have this in my rolodex - Can we put this list together?

Thanks for sharing. LOL [ Edited by Dilbert98 on Date 05/01/2004 ]


  • bgrossnickle1st May, 2004

    I have seen a list previously on this site. One of the moderators said that they were going to lock it and put it somewhere???

    I am not an expert, but I usually have no trouble getting the payoff requirements, FAXing them back, and getting a loss mit rep. I believe many of the loss mit departments are regional, and if their bank is anything like mine, they are reorganizing on a daily basis. I swear my last loss mit rep had an indian accent.


  • sgtphilko1st May, 2004

    Like Brenda said, I'm not sure if there are regional Mit Reps or what. However, I recently dealt with Ameriquest and Wash. Mutual, here are the contacts.

    Ameriquest - Marilou Guerra - 714-634-2474 ext 3847

    WaMu - Michael Bustos - 888-456-5353 ext 8337

    Both of these were for Southern California houses...I'm not sure if it matters or not.

    Hope that helps.

  • Lufos1st May, 2004

    We used to have a list of all lending institutions that were qualified to conduct FHA insured paper.

    Then we went to the the Association of American Bankers and obtained a list from them.

    All very nice but we found because of the continual reorganization and the rotary movement of personal into and around Loss Mitigation that such lists were of little use.

    Each lending institution we delt with we kept checking who was where and on occasion why. We thus had a running profile on each contact within that banking structure. Problem is the lines of command seem to change. One month a certain VP rides herd on the REO's and Loss Mitigators. Then a change of procedure. One line of management is out and another is cock of the walk, then a small change in the economy and they are replaced and someone else is suddently on the telephone. It's a Puzzlement.

    I keep a book marked Bank Contacts. I list them all as to what duty they are performing and I also list the next one up the ladder. This gives me some opportunity to wizz around if I get a strong No and I feel that the bank is not being properly served. Some of the Service Agencies we treat in similar fashion. Yes it is kicky when you get a strange accent from a Bank Officer and it is not a speech pattern of the area. I wonder if they are aware of such thngs. I am cause I have been in situations where if your Arabic Language used certain slangy words say from the West and you are in an Eastern area you could get your throat cut.

    Cheers Lucius

  • Dilbert981st May, 2004

    Awesome idea Lucious - EXACTLY what I'm doing now. I actually have a rolodex if you will in a works db. I like your word doc idea better though for a printable sheet I can just hang on the wall.

    My greatest objective though is for the lenders phone and their fax... so I can send an inquiry and Release and get a response - who I talk to - I know about the re-org thing they never stay in one place for too long... at least they won't grow moss.[ Edited by Dilbert98 on Date 05/01/2004 ]

  • shikely1st May, 2004

    Too many changes too frequently in these beloved institutions of ours. The web should fulfill your desire pretty much

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