Missouri Court House Steps Tax Auction

s this correct 1 year redemption 90 days before it expires do a title search and send out certified letters to all interested parties and affidavid to collectors office if no one claims or pays property tax after 90 days expires take title search and reciept showing that all parties have been notified and apply for a deed

if it has a 90 day redemption peroid do a title search and send out certified letters to all interested parties and affidavid to collectors office if no one claims or pays property tax after 90 days expires take title search and reciept showing that all parties have been notified and apply for a deed


  • InActive_Account21st December, 2002

    On 2002-12-21 17:23, rbaldwinasociates wrote:
    I was reading somewhere that the unsold tax certificates were sold over the counter in some counties and are called "bargain basements"

    Yes some locations do sell them over the counter. I think that a better name would be the left over stuff. Not saying that some of the left overs are not deals. But you have to use care.

    One of the guys that I am woking with just recieved "Free and Clear". I was looking over the material. They give links to list of tax properties. I was looking over one list and saw a street that I knew about. Vacant lot in a very bad part of town way over priced.

    So if you plan to buy go look before you bid. Remember you just might wind up owning. With a little care and time you could find a very good deal.

  • tjbab22nd December, 2002

    I am speaking for Baltimore city only.They do have over the counter sales after the auction,however extreme caution must be taken
    1)inspect the property
    2)check the codes for abonded properties.
    3)"Left over stuff" Good deal are still there if you are carefull

    Take Care God Bless

    have a happy and safe Holiday

  • Bliss1x25th January, 2003

    I Bought my tax certificate over the counter in Baltimore City and can't be happier. I was unbale to see the inside as the outside was boarded up. I did my due diligence on the property and was satified with my research findings. I have also foreclosed on the owners right to redeem. Once the deed is obtained I will put that sucker on e-bay and sell it "as is". I f one is more interested in getting the interest rate on the property than buying over the counter may not be for you as it will more likely than not be redeemed. If owning the property and then selling is more your taste than why go to an auction and deal with competitive bidding?

  • dghutter11th February, 2003

    I'm currently waiting for my copy of free and clear to arrive, but all of these posts seem like very good information. I'm trying to mentally take down a few notes so that when the book gets here It will all make sense. Hopefully As a police officer in a wealthy town with a few friends that do this kind of investing. They are always telling me of what deals they came across even in the most impovrished city, and I live about 6 miles from the worst city on the East Coast.

  • vicentps200111th February, 2003

    What is this "Free and Clear" thing that everyone's talking about, and where can I get it?

  • 11th February, 2003

    Some body send me some information on the Free and Clear please.

  • dghutter20th February, 2003


    Still waiting for my copy to arrive

  • the_investor26th February, 2003

    I checked the site.. but it seems you need to pay about 40.00 so how do u get a free copy?


  • alarson26th February, 2003

    I don't know any way to get it free - you have to pay for it. Invest in yourself - $40 is a bargain.

  • ericamtrustfunding27th April, 2007

    The only way you can lose it is if it is sold at auction. So either you can buy it at auction if he doesnt pay, or pay them before the auction. Sounds like he is not a totally truthful character for doing this.

    Personally I would offer a low ball price right now and buy him out with a traditional mortgage, so you dont have to deal with him anymore.

  • haynesm10th May, 2007

    You can do just about anything with it that you want to. Sell it, give it away, assign it etc. I am talking about Missouri tax sales. Our certificate of purchase, which has to be held for one year, has a place in the wording where you can do things with the property. Ask your county collector to let you look one of their tax certificates. I would be sure I told your purchaser how the certificate works. But if their not interested then I have a bridge I would sell them. Good luck. I would be interested in talking to you by phone sometime about the Texas tax sales. If you’re willing send me an email to **Please See My Profile** Remember Texas and Missouri MIGHT have different laws.

  • taxlienresearchdotcom1st June, 2007

    You should sit out the redemption period. In the meantime, you are liable for all other taxes, fees etc associated with the property - since you have the tax deed.

    [ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 06/01/2007 ]

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