Miami Condo Marlet - Bulk Purchasing?

Looking for any advice from people who operate in this market.

Maybe looking to do smaller bulk purchases of 5-10 units in really nice, value holding buildings then leasing out for the time being untill able to sell.

Are lenders getting to the point where there giving out decent deals or only for extra large bulk purchases? Are investors able to get these units rented or are there a flood of them sitting on the market? Also, whats your thoughts on the big guys buying up too many units (over 10%) and then the rest of us not being able to sell easily? Much appreciated.

[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/08/2010 ]


  • ZinOrganization12th January, 2010

    Have these forums gotten that bad? I used to come on here and there would be new posts/topics not even a single post since i made this thread? Sheesh.[ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 01/12/2010 ]

  • chrispacific2nd February, 2010

    what would be the best way to divide the lots so that I can sell them and still live in my home? The city told me that I have to do a PUD if I want to divide my lots. I do not have enough money to develop the lots myself. Would it be better to do a joint venture with a developer and build on the lots and then sell the homes?[ Edited by chrispacific on Date 02/02/2010 ]

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