Mentorship Programs

I am real estate investor prospect. I say prospect because i have not yet had my first deal, but i have been doing a lot of research in the field of real estate, specifically in regards to lease options.
I understand the concept of and how lease options work and believe i am ready to pursue my new business. However, after subscribig to some real estate programs (I like Lou Voukas personally) i have been contacted about mentorships. But my question to anyone out there is: Where is the best place to find a mentor. Obviously these people who are contacting me are trying to sell themselves, so how will i ever know if they are legit successful real estate investorsors or someone who is reading behind a desk from a book to me. I would like to have contact with someone who will take time to guide and teach me, tell m what i should do to avoid any pitfalls. Are mentorships as helpful as they seem, or is it just some company trying to sell me information instead of one-on-one counseling. Please gve me any information leading to a good mentorship program.
Thank you in advance for your responses,
Randy from Jersey


  • TheShortSalePro11th December, 2003

    I have sent you a PM. If interested, E-Mail me.

  • rajwarrior11th December, 2003

    You've basically answered the question yourself, If a mentor is so good why do they need to sell themselves?

    I see it asked all the time about "I need a mentor" post. Fact is, most people don't. They have all the info they need to get started, they are just afraid to take the first step. Paying someone mucho $$$ just to give you a push is bad business from the start.

    Add to that the fact that most "mentors" have little, IF any, actual hands-on REI experience AND the fact that you probably know as much as a "mentor" does, you just don't have the confidence yet.

    There might be some good mentors out there, but a good one would tell you that you really don't need them. The information is already out there for you. There is nothing special or secret about how to invest in real estate. Of course, on the flip side is the hustler who always has the latest and greatest method of investing.

    I'm sure by now you know my position on people that try to sell themselves as "mentors" but I'll leave with an old joke: What is a business consultant? A person who couldn't make it as a business person.


  • prodx11th December, 2003

    Hi Graffx,

    I don't know too much as I am just beginning to learn myself, but from what I have seen on this web stie so far and how helpful so many people have been with answering my questions both on the boards and off, I can't imagine trusting to someone coldcalling me offering mentoring services. I actually hope to eventually find a mentor here on this site and you should definately be able to get a feel for their experience by their previous posts.

    Also if you are interested in chatting a bit more shoot me a private message. WE are pretty near each other so we can share ideas. I have been looking around at various up and coming areas and some interesting prospects that I wouldn't mind getting some local input on.


  • Tedjr11th December, 2003

    Good idea Prodox has. Get together with a club too in your area. I was helping club members invest here in Austin untill I broke my leg and did not go to the meetings. I am back now and helping all the people that I can. I know helping others will reward me some how in the future and I know it will be 10 fold. I just hope I can hold on long enough to make it happen. Others are right too about you can learn so much that you are scared to try and fail. I helped one guy do a lease purchase where the seller was willing to make the payments until he found a tenant buyer. That will be a win/win for all involved. Finding a motovated seller is the key to any good deal be it lease purchase, sub2 or flip to rehab. Go find a good deal and do it. Ask questions here and they will be answered by caring folks that want to help.


    Hope this helps some

    Ted Jr

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