
I had a call from a company in real estate inveting institute re mentoring has anylne used them? how would you find a mentor. Is it necessary what do they cost etc.
Is there a place on this website to find out opinions about Gurus programs?
I will have to cancel Marco Koslowski program to get mentoring. question is which is more worthwhile?


  • JohnLocke16th June, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I see the "Information Overload Bug" is about to take a big bite out of your pocketbook.

    You just finished LeGrande's boot camp, you want to attend Marco's bootcamp for $6K, wait till you find out that when you want to learn what he does it will cost you another $20K. Now you want to have some institute mentor you, how much do they charge?

    You want opinions about Guru's, here is my opinion they $love$ people like you.

    You picked a great name wannabe, because until you learn that it isn't about one single Guru it is about what you are willing to do with what you have already learned or you will chase a alot of creative real estate investing rainbows and remain a wannabe.

    You paid the money for the LeGrande program why are you not out doing it?

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • rickomarsh16th June, 2004

    Well put John.

  • dealfinder16th June, 2004

    Sound advice for you at this point would be to seriously think about what John is trying to get across to you. Just my 2 cents. Good Luck.


  • studlee16th June, 2004

    Yes--- if you follow through with what you have learned and make an honest effort at it you should do fine. Don't waste your money when you could be using that for real estate investments and be on your way already. Good Luck!

  • active_re_investor16th June, 2004

    For raw information just go to the library.

    For personal advice come here or ask questions at your local RE investing club.

    You will learn quicker if you go out and practice.

    You can be conservative on your first few deals.

    Spending a lot more on education without practicing is a risk on its own.


  • WannaBeREI200417th June, 2004

    All of your excellent points taken. Got it. I have enough info to start for now.
    I do believe however that ignorance is tthe most costly mistake. I am working
    Ron Legrands program but I am also trying to rise above the masses.
    Have a Fabulous Day! wink
    And to John $cash$ I really do appreciate the info about the $20K.
    ok off prospecting!

  • commercialking17th June, 2004

    A few years back (well, ok a lotta years back now) a friend of mine was taking one of these courses. I asked him how much the tuition was for the weekend and at the time the answer was $5,000. I was in shock. At the time a years tuition at Harvard was only $10,000! I asked him what he thought he was going to learn in two days that was worth more than he would learn in 6 months at Harvard!

    I still do not understand why these high-priced guru programs are not fraud when 95% of the grads will never recoup their initial investment out of what they learned in the course.

  • elf258822nd June, 2004

    WannaBe, there is a gentleman named John T. Reed who "rates" the "gurus." He is very opinionated, but it's pretty eye opening to read his site and his opinions about seminars and the gurus who teach them.

    Do a google search for "john t. reed" and click on the link Real Estate Investing. From there you can find his articles such as "are you seeking REI advice for the right reasons?" and "views of various gurus." It's pretty interesting stuff and good for perspective when your hand is on your wallet... grin

    I would agree with these other posters, spend a couple of bucks on books as have been recommended on this site (the 105 great reads list), do tons of research on this site and on the internet in general re: REI, and network with other investors in your area. It's much cheaper to do it this way, plus with networking you may get motivated enough to finally "just do it!"

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