Mentoring With Experienced Investor

Has anyone seen signs like "Investor Seeks Apprentive" posted around there area. What is this about? I love the idea of learning the business from an experienced investor but felt uconfortable calling the bandit sign phone number.


  • jimandlacy24th September, 2006

    If you are confident in your abilities to analyze a situation before commiting to it, make the phone call and find out. If you fear being talked into something that is not to your benefit then you may want to do some more work on your communication skills.


  • virtent1st October, 2006

    The best is to network with you fellow investors at the local REIA group or better if they have a networking or lunch/breakfast meeting. Then get their cards. If you run into a deal email or call them for advise, most will be happy to help.

    Dan Stojadinovic
    ***ADVERTISING DELETED***[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 10/01/2006 ]

  • commercialking2nd October, 2006

    Is this the "make $20,000 per month sign"?

    Makes me laugh, anybody making that kind of money in RE is much too busy to mentor people or take on apprentices. Or they have more of them than they know what to do with.

    $20,000 a month takes a lot of networking, and all that networking brings lots of contacts. Its a lot easier to weed out the chaff in that contact list than to start with bandit signs.

  • Vernia15th October, 2006

    Saw one. Said sign was sitting at theoff-ramp of Philips Hwy and 9A in Jax - for about a week, then someone removed them! Never could catch their phone number!!

  • bodiby26th October, 2006

    I saw one of these on a highway onramp. It was hand written on a bandit sogn. Looked like they stole somebody elses sign and peeled the letters off. I was going to call to check it out, but it was gone the next day.

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