Mediation And Arbitration....where Should They Take Place?

My husband and I will have to go to mediation or arbitration soon due to the
fact that we are having problems with
members of our family in California where we are sharing in the equity of some apartments. Since we live in the
state of Texas and the apartments are in
California we need to know if we can have mediation in Texas or via telephone? Any ideas???
Thanks so much for your imput! rasberry


  • flacorps24th October, 2003

    By their very nature as alternative dispute resolution methods, mediation and arbitration are subject to the parties' choices ... it's whatever they agreed on in the past, or can agree on now.

    In court, jurisdiction and venue typically lie where the property is. Meaning it goes to court in that county.

    Arbitration involves going into a room with one or more smart people in their prime of life who you have vested with the power to make a decision. Mediation involves sitting in a room with an old guy who has no power other than the ability to hector both sides.

    I wouldn't try to do either by phone, unless I was dealing with a small amount of money I was prepared to lose. There's too much nuance in face-to-face interaction.

    Caleeeforneeea here you come!

  • Wealth-builder225th October, 2003

    Thanks so much for taking the time to comment on out post. looks like
    we need to visit Callyforneah and meet
    the new "Govenator". Greetings to all-you-all from Texas.

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