Mechanics Of Actually Making Offers


To make an offer, do I just need to get the local Association of Realtors contract, the one they all use, fill in the blanks and submit it to the seller? Or is there more to it than that? This is a cash purchase BTW, using hard money.


  • daveh17th September, 2003

    You could use that contract but keep in mind that it is writtien to protect the Realtor -- not you. You should come up with your own custom contract for buying and selling with the clauses you want included. If you don't have a contract like this then maybe you're not ready to make an offer. You might want to order a course or book that includes investor friendly contracts.

  • OCSupertones17th September, 2003

    Quote: investor friendly contracts.

    Does anyone have any of these "investor friendly contracts"?

  • jhgraves17th September, 2003

    Better yet, see a competent real estate attorney who can tailor the offer to your needs, understands your state laws, and is only concerned with protecting you. My grandfather accepted an offer for a house a few years ago written on a napkin, because he had to have something in writing. Not much room for contingencies on that! Good luck.

  • realestate41117th September, 2003

    You could start with a realtor's contract as this is Supposed to Cover YOU!! It should NOT have anything to do with the realtor (this is what the buyer's agreement is for - IF you use a realtor in this capacity - which is not a bad idea). Just make sure you read through the contract carefully and make any adjustments that reflect YOUR offer. I have marked up many contracts to suit my needs and have not had problems yet. This is the easiest way to put in an offer and should cover you completely.

    Hope this helps. Email me if you'd like to get more info . . .

  • DaveREI17th September, 2003

    use any contract you like.....

    ivestor friendly contract are good idea

    one for the buy

    one for the sale

    thats how I do it!

  • Tedjr17th September, 2003

    Just buy the house with the Realtor form. Why spend a grand to line some attorney's pockets with a new form that who knows will hold up in court under who knows what conditions may arrise. The real estate commission has spent thousands of man hours trying to put together the best for for all parties to the sale and not just the Realtors. How absurd to believe that the forms are that one sided. From the sellers point of view I would feel easier to see a standard form from a Realtor association instead of anything else. Keep it simple stupid comes to mind here too. Thanks for reading

    Ted Jr

  • mikecee17th September, 2003

    I bought the Carleton Sheets Course and it has two contracts, one for buying and one for selling. What do you more experienced guys think of me using these contracts?? I had them retyped and they are on my computer.

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