Massachusetts And Rhode Island

I can't find anything about Ma and RI,any info about it?Thank you


  • Birddog125th March, 2004

    What kinda info you looking for?

  • nashua25th March, 2004

    Trying to know where and when the tax liens sales take place,and where to go to get that information,thank you

  • Birddog125th March, 2004

    Your best bet, is the boston globe. Because Mass is a non-judicial state, there is no one place to go to, to get all that info. You need to look in the legal notices of the news papers everyday for the sherrifs sales. Also, if you want to dishout money, the bankers and tradesman is a good source for distressed homes.

  • DariusBarazandeh5th April, 2004

    In Rhode Island you should contact the tax collector. A notice of sale must be made in a public newspaper that is published in the township and a publish newspaper published in the county.

    You will also notice that the collector must post notice in two or more public places '3 weeks before the sale' General Laws of Rhode Island 44-9-9

    You best bet is to contact the tax collector and ask for sale listings. If they are not available determine which newspaper handles 'publication'.

  • oscrv200010th May, 2004

    Hi Birddog - Thanks for the Info. Is there any specific edition of the Globe (i.e., Sunday only, or Saturday) that the Lien notices are printed? Where can you get the Bankers and Tradesman paper?

    Thanks! - oscrv2000

    On 2004-03-25 14:17, Birddog1 wrote:
    Your best bet, is the boston globe. Because Mass is a non-judicial state, there is no one place to go to, to get all that info. You need to look in the legal notices of the news papers everyday for the sherrifs sales. Also, if you want to dishout money, the bankers and tradesman is a good source for distressed homes.

  • richen15th May, 2004

    It is very difficult to find these on the newspapers by my experience. I suggest that you spend a few bucks and look at a wonderful source at where you can find out when there are tax sales in each state and each locale and lists for sale for nominal fees provided to you in excel spreadsheet format, making it much easier to find information and sort if you do any analysis or due diligence which is a must anyway rathere than trying to copy down yourself laboriously in front of your PC downloading from the newspaper print onto your own spreadsheet. The time and effort it saves me more than compensates for the few bucks I have to pay for this service. The registration is free and if you are interested in this business, I also very highly recommend that you take their seminars which are very affordable and you get not a typical hyped presentation but theREAL THING and it will teach you how to buy tax liens from A to Z. I learned it from them and am now running one of the most coveted Fund in the business, and I can honestly say I owe it all to the owner of this website. So give it a try.

    RC from NC

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