Tracking Stats!!!

Does anyone have a spreadsheet they use to keep track of the properties that you have contacted (ei. when you last contactd them, what you sent, when to contact again) or something like this. I am having a hard time keeping track of who got what, and when? Any help would be appreciated. Unfortunately I have not aced the Microsoft excel program yet! confused Thanks


  • dbuddha20th November, 2003

    ACT would be a good program to keep track of contacts and sales offers. Look into that program.

    It integrates with Word so you can do mailings, also.

  • kmaples20th November, 2003

    I looked at the software ACT and it is a little out of the price range I am working with. Do you know of any sites offering any pre-formulated spreadsheets?

  • joel20th November, 2003

    Cmon guys! Do it cheaper. Check out

  • kmaples20th November, 2003


    Pardon my ignorance, but I have no Idea what I just saw at that website, nor do I no what to do with it. Can you please elaborate on the information at openoffice? thanks

  • Birdoggin4u20th November, 2003

    I agree!!

  • allandinger20th November, 2003

    Hello I just use microsoft works database sheets to keep track. It should be right on your computer, its cheap, and really easy to set up. Let me know and I will send you some that I use.

  • kmaples20th November, 2003

    You mean Microsoft Works(Excel)?

  • clear2close20th November, 2003

    He gave you a link to a free alternative to MS Office. Open Source programming is a 'free for all' type of programming. When you go to the website, look for the 'download' link and try it out...

    hope this helps,

  • kmaples20th November, 2003

    Thanks clear2close

  • dbuddha20th November, 2003

    ACT was a suggestion and I got it from friend (wink, wink). BUT if you need something to keep track of dates and proposal deadlines and all that stuff, but need to go cheapo, I'd say use a index card file. Thats really the manual way of tracking.

    Excel can be used but you'll have to develop a time line and use MS outlook as your place for storage of contact information.

    Maybe there is another way...I don't know but I'm sure someone here knows.

  • edmeyer20th November, 2003

    Hi, kmaples

    The Microsoft Office product that is a database is Microsoft Access. The advantage of a data base is that you can do queries against the data. For example, you could list all of the properties that are 4-plexes or larger that you have not contacted in the last 30 days.

    Access is not fun to learn to use. If you have a high struggle-to-fun ratio with Excel, you are not likely to enjoy Access.

    If you can give me a little more detail as to what you want, perhaps I can come up with some ideas or suggest some package.


  • kmaples21st November, 2003

    First, thank you all for taking the time and responding to my post. And I just wanted to elaborate as suggested. What I am attempting to do is:

    -keep a database of all the leads I come across

    -organized where I can select either single family, multi, or even foreclosure, vacant, and make it so that I can select how I want it to be sorted.

    -and have available storage on each entry for notating the file as I come across more information.

    I don’t even know I this can be done much less, if someone has already done something like this. I guess what I should be asking is how much it would typically cost to have someone put something like this together?


  • BBCProperties25th November, 2003

    Think about ACT again based on what you said you are looking for. I use ACT in my other business and just created another database for my Real Estate Investing Biz. You can do everything you want based on giving each contact an ID status. That way you can sort by type of property if you set ID's for that. I have an ID based on the auction date for foreclosures. I have created a series of mailings and they are all a task. I have a calendar to remind me of everything I need.

    I bought ACT on Ebay. It is worth it. The time you will save is unbelievable.

  • rcummings25th November, 2003


    A friend of mine just told me about ACT and he said that it is a pretty good program. You mentioned the cost was to much, but it would be a good investment. I'm going to pick it up this weekend.

    There are 2 different types, make sure you look at the right one. One is selling for $90 and the other was for $200 or so (that was more extensive)

    Just check out the $90 program.

  • kmaples25th November, 2003


    Thanks, I will look into that, I just saw the most expensive model I guess.

  • kmaples25th November, 2003


    Thanks, I will look into that, I just saw the most expensive model I guess.

  • rcummings1st December, 2003


    let me know how it works out for you.....

  • Ryno-n-AZ2nd December, 2003

    Hey Kmaples,

    Now that you looked at my Excel stuff, you want me to build an Access sheet for you?
    Send me an email with what you want and I can build it for you.

    Ryno -

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