Merry Christmas

To all of my new faceless friends...

Thank you all for creating a wonderful and enjoyable retreat that I get to come to and offer up some of my crap while unwinding from the daily grind...

Cyberspace is a funny place to meet people, so very one-dimensional... But there are some of you whose personalities have shined through the mere black binary codes we see, for that I thank you...

I wish each of you, who honor this holiday, a safe and prosperous one, and that you enjoy those friends and family members you’ve have come to love and cherish.

Those of you who honor something else may you too find love and happiness in those around you..

And for those that don’t have anyone to love, it’s a great time of year to start... Cant you just feel the love in the air?

For the newest of investors I challenge you to share your exuberance for success with tomorrows seekers, for the most seasoned investor I challenge you to continue to give you guidance and experience, and to all of you in the middle I challenge you to remember why you decided to become an investor and reignite that spiritual excitement you felt the first time you cashed that check..

2006 is going to be a fun ride, lets work together to make some serious money.

Michael Quarles

[ Edited by IBuyHousesInc on Date 12/23/2005 ]


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