How Do I Start Part Time As An Investor When Working Full Time Job?

Anyone have any suggestions that could help me out. I would appreciate any advice.

How do I start my business part time. I have no lunch time and I live 40 mins away from my job to my home.

What are the best answering services to use to answer your calls while you are at your full time job all day?



  • kenmax21st February, 2005

    or when your shopping, at a resturant, hell anywhere. at least you can see if you have calls at work. maybe even call

  • CarolG21st February, 2005

    I do have a cell phone..i just need to get voice mail. What about answering services ..... does anyone use Pat Live? is that a good service to use or what others services are better?


  • CarolG21st February, 2005


    that was a good point you made. using the vacation days off for the real estate stuff.

    Thanks for the advice.


  • LarryTX22nd February, 2005

    Dont take this the wrong way but...

    You make time for the things want to do regardless of what it is.

  • ZinOrganization22nd February, 2005

    I do this full time and couldnt possibly see working another job at the same time. i dont think i would have enough time.

    anyways sleep is overrated, and after work when its really late at night is the best time to be putting up bandit signs. no one sees you doing it at 3 AM in the morn.

  • CarolG22nd February, 2005


    Nice to hear from a Clevelander. That would be nice to communicate with you, too. You can reach me at 888-805-4055 and via email **Please See My Profile**

    Thank you everyone for your helps.

    Parma Ohio

  • bcperry0126th February, 2005

    hey rounder5253 - could you share any info on your script? Some people are having a tough time knowing what to say on those things. Thanks!

  • CarolG26th February, 2005

    I wonder how is PatLive Real Estate Hot Line answering service. Has anyone tired their answering service yet?


  • ltanksley7th March, 2005

    What is a bandit sign?

    On 2005-02-22 10:03, ZinOrganization wrote:
    I do this full time and couldnt possibly see working another job at the same time. i dont think i would have enough time.

    anyways sleep is overrated, and after work when its really late at night is the best time to be putting up bandit signs. no one sees you doing it at 3 AM in the morn.

  • Eric57th March, 2005

    I have used PAT LIve for a while. Works pretty good, I check sometimes and call into my own service just to check on them as I think any owner should.

  • cpifer7th March, 2005


    The very best way to get started in RE as a new and otherwise employed investor is to get a mentor who will assist you from start to finish and split the profits wiith you.

    Most of your local investor groups will have mentors who will project manage for you. In Dallas, we (experienced mentors) get 50% of the "net" profits.

    C- :-o

  • CarolG7th March, 2005

    I appreciate your input. Chuck Smith has a boot camp here in Cleveland April 2nd & 3rd, and I will be attending it. I do have an investor friend that will be my mentor. I have started a buyer list, and I placed an ad and i got a few replies.

    Everyone ----- Thank you again for all of your help.

  • ZinOrganization8th March, 2005

    some people believe heavily in automated 1-800 answering services. especially people who also work another j.o.b. in towns were there is alot of competition, chances are if they call you and get a answering machine they are going to go right down the list to the next investors ads until they get a real person. so you may be loosing out on deals by not being able to answer the phone and deciding weather its a good deal or not. obviously some dont have the time and or schedule for this. so you may want to look into what some of the services out there provide (real person answering the phone)

  • CarolG9th March, 2005

    I will have to try PatLive and see how that would work out will I am at work all day. I am also looking for a birddog find properties during the day.

    I will have to really think this all out once i get started. I would have to lose customers will I am not there answering the phone.

    Thanks for all of your feed helps!

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