Halloween Marketing Idea

Happy Halloween, all.

A few well intentioned marketing ideas for everyone, for tonight....

1. Giving out candy at your door? Drop a Business card in with the candy. That should put the word out to a few people.

2. Put out a sign at your sidewalk, let people know you buy houses.

3. Going to a neighborhood with your children? Drop business cards with the houses you visit.

Have a great night, and stay safe.



  • SolutionsKid31st October, 2003

    Those are GREAT! ideas.

    Here you go little boy, here's a Reeses for you and a business card for your dad...

    I really do like the ideas, wish I had kids coming to my door.

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • SolutionsKid31st October, 2003

    Those are GREAT! ideas.

    Here you go little boy, here's a Reeses for you and a business card for your dad...

    I really do like the ideas, wish I had kids coming to my door.

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • Lufos31st October, 2003

    We just had our first little trick or treater. So cute so quaint so lethel.

    He was wearing those long pants you tie at the bottom with the crotch way below the knees, over that was a Kruftu jacket and on his head one of those biscuit hats they wear in dear old Afghanistan.

    What was most intriguIng was the vest, It was saffron colored and sewn to it were little cylInders painted red. All across the front and in the back.

    I told him in my best Pustu, that if he would give me the detonator he held in his hand I would give him a nice basket full of candy. He agreed and went away happy. I threw the detonator into the cats little house which blew up, the little scamp had pulled the plug before he handed it to me.

    Oh children are so original in their costumes, they really learn from their elders. Are you sure you want to give them one of your cards?

    The cat has just bit me on the leg, seems he wants a few bucks to rebuild his house. FEEMA turned him down. Go Figure.

    Tolerantly Lucius

  • RandMace31st October, 2003

    El Lucius da Tolerante......

    It never cease's to amaze me the world you live in......

    Here you are a great and important Land Baron .. overseeing "El Rancharito de Hollywood" --- and you still have to answer your own door, yourself?

    Que dedication !

    ? Donde es el servants?

    Rand el Kuger

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