Direct Marketing Elements That Deliver Results In Real Estate Investing

Success in real estate investing largely depends on successful marketing of your business. Targeted direct mail delivers excellent results as long as two conditions are met:

1) That your leads are well targeted - for instance, if your audience is motivated sellers, they must people that NEED to sell their houses. Your success as a real estate investor will largely depend on effective marketing of your business. Targeted direct mail delivers excellent results given two conditions:

1) That your leads are well targeted - for example if you are targeting motivated sellers, that you reach people who NEED to sell their houses

2) That your direct marketing piece - post card or letter stands out from the rest and convinces them to take action NOW

In this article, we focus on effective tips that guarantee success of your direct marketing.

Laser targeted leads

You are unlikely to get good response if your leads are not well targeted.

If you target motivated sellers for instance, you must target

i) People who really NEED to sell their houses - such as people going through divorce, bankruptcy, probates, burned landlords, expired listings, etc. In other words, your target is people who find that their house has become a liability in their life and they must get rid of it now

ii) Specific neighborhoods and price ranges - this is largely determined by your business model

iii) Equity - you probably need to buy houses with some equity In this case, someone who refinanced or bought their house last year may not be your best bet

Unique marketing proposition

If your marketing piece looks like all the other "We Buy Houses" mail, the response you get is likely to be minimal at best. Your marketing must stick out from the rest:

i) Noticeable mail piece - use post cards with screaming colors. Red, yellow, green and blue seem to give me excellent results in my marketing. They must be able to pick out your mail piece out of curiosity from a pile of mail.

If you send letters, they must stick out from all the other bills, and junk mail they receive every day. For example, using a regular envelop hand-written in red and a big postal stamp gets excellent results.

You can also use odd-sized or colored envelops to increase noticeability.

ii) Powerful headline - it must compel the reader to continue reading

iii) Personalized - whenever possible, your letters should be fully personalized. They must feel you are addressing their personal needs

iv) Powerful content - you must state the problem and provide a solution powerful enough to agitate the reader to really NEED what you are offering

v) Benefits - The solution you offer must include benefits of taking up your offer. They need to see you as the only person capable of providing a solution to their problem. You must create an offer they cannot resist

vi) Deadline - you must have a deadline in all your marketing materials.For example you can give a specific date. Or you can tell them you need to buy only one more house. This gives them a reason to act NOW!

vii) Call to action - what do they need to do next? Go to this website and sign up. Pick up the phone and call this number now. It must be precise and direct

viii) P.S. - most people start with the P.S. before they look at anything else. It needs to re-state the benefits, deadline and call to action to be effective

Effective marketing must provide a call to action that gives them a phone number and a real estate investor website . The website tells your full story for you and delivers leads that are fully pre-screened and pre-negotiated. Get more free real estate investing education and free tips from our blog.


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