Classified Ads For Motivated Sellers

Thanks to all who have posted about classified ads. It sounds like the "We Buy Houses" (or a similar version) is successful for many. My question for those who have been successful with this is twofold: 1) are there several others doing the same thing in your area (I have dozens who advertise in my area and so I'm concerned about the effectiveness); and 2) have the larger local papers or the smaller " neighborhood" papers been a better bang for your buck?


  • pejames22nd December, 2003

    There is plenty for everyone! Just jump in and start. Someone may like your phone number better, you never know. Good luck

  • InActive_Account22nd December, 2003

    Have you ever seen a Pizza Hut next to a Burger King next to a McDonalds, next to a KFC next to--------etc??????There's a certain synergy involved.

    The local bird-cage liners have the advantage that the ads are more focused in the areas which interest you. The "big" papers have a more scattered, shotgun effect.

  • Kman14th March, 2004

    Im not sure if you saw it, and Im NOT trying to steal Lufos's credit but I will relate what I got from what he said. As I understood it, he said run ad ad that looks like this


    we buy houses


    Have the 800#'s in bold and the 'we buy' in small. The thot being at a glance your phone # will stick out.

    Great marketing idea

    Good luck

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