Building a Business Through Active Marketing

This article will help you set some ground rules for starting a successful business. Starting a homebased business is hard enough when your friends and family members say "You can't do that" or "That's a bunch of get rich quick stuff." My motto was always "Watch me."

Remember, when you fail, and you will, they will always be there to tell you "See, you should have listened to me." However, if you follow my instructions, you can build a successful business that will be both predictable and duplicatable.

First, it will take a few months to learn the numbers in your market area.

Second, when you learn your numbers you can then write a business plan. Within the next two weeks I will submit an article on how to write a business plan.

Third, there are three ways to get business:

a. Wait for the business come to you.

b. Buy it! Through advertising.

c. Earn it! By building a predictable and

duplicatable business.

Forth, you must define how you will do your business .... Active Marketing vs Passive Marketing.

Active Marketing:

Door knocking

Calling on the phone

*Note (duplicatable and predictable) If your business is earned, you have total control.

Passive Marketing:

Newspaper ads

Mass mailings

Post cards

Bandit signs

*Note (only way to find distress homeowners not of record yet, but unpredicatable and unduplicatable)

Numbers on active vs passive

On the average, every homeowner in foreclosure receives 180 to 200 pieces of junk mail from realtors, attorneys, lenders, and investors. Only 10-13 investors will call and only 2-3 will doorknock them. Be different, being 1 of 200 is like having your name pulled out of a hat.

Business can be divided into 6 parts;

a. Prospect daily

b. EFFECTIVE lead followup

c. Going on presentations

d. Negotiate with banks

e. Negotiate with Investors or end-users

f. Getting the deal closed at title company

Next week we will discuss the numbers and why we don't reach them.

REMEMBER, build your business around your prospecting, not your prospecting around your business.

Until next week

Bill Twyford


  • Rickygib4th January, 2003

    Excellent article, looking forward to the continuation.

  • way_motivated20th December, 2002

    any follow ups to this article Bill?

  • JohnMichael21st December, 2002

    Great article Bill,

    Keep the issues coming

  • BruceVentura22nd December, 2002

    I was fortunate enough to see Bill live in Chicago a week a ago and then to read his post here with his sound buisness advice.I can't wait to take his and Dwan's bootcamp.

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