Anyone Ever Try This? Is It Legal?

I was wondering if anyone ever tried giving an owner cash to sign a contract? For instance, I was thinking about doing something like,

"After you sign a contract, if for some reason I can't help you, I'll give you $xxx just for your time."

Initially, I was thinking something low like $50.



  • Junoti17th March, 2004

    Help? Anyone?

  • bth12617th March, 2004

    So you want to pay them?! Did I read that right?

  • Stockpro9917th March, 2004

    Maybe something like "$100 upon signing contract"
    However I don't think it will help out all that much, I have used "will pay 5K withing 12 hours of acceptance of bid" with negligeable effect.

  • Bruce17th March, 2004


    What kind of contract???

  • Lufos17th March, 2004


    Damn man get off your knees, leave the marbles, the time has come to roll on into the land of the grown ups. You do not have time for such little games.

    If you wish to motivate get into the larger sums and believe me this does not work. Your approach is to solve a problem for them. Save the house, sell the house mortgage the house. Screw the Ex wife or Ex husband out of their share. Clean the title for them. Attack a second and arrange a discount for ten cents on the dollar. Stick a unit on the house. Convert the garage into a unit.
    and on and on and on.

    Drop the nickel bets, move up and spend your time playing the larger game.
    Hurry now and do it. and then post me, I like to talk to rich people Aux Armes!!!


  • Junoti17th March, 2004

    Haha. Thanks for the slap in the face. Point taken


  • jbinvestor19th March, 2004

    what are you trying to do with the property? what kind of contract?


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