Marketing To Owners In Bankruptcy

Anyone have any good letters? or at the very least, get me going in the right direction in terms of wording?

THanks in advance.


  • charlotteinvestor31st August, 2006

    Local Investors Looking to buy properties in your neighborhood. Your property fits the description of what we are looking buy. In fact your home maybe the only home that is of interest to us in this area of town.

  • mhaynes200431st August, 2006

    Thank you kindly, has this worked for you in the past?

  • JohnLocke1st September, 2006


    As long as the name you are using is not registered to anyone else then yes you could but why?

    You can do a Yury_MD DBA/ Best Real Estate Investments and register it for a few dollars at the court house then just show Best Real Estate Investments on your brochure.

    Later if you choose a corporate entity you can use the name Best Real Estate Investments for your entity.

    DBA "Doing Business As"

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • Yury_MD3rd September, 2006

    Thanks a million, John

  • InActive_Account7th June, 2006

    move this post to the marketing forum.

  • sloron6th September, 2006

    Just a note on Tax Deliquency. Tax Deliquency varies by state in the way they are handled. Also, based upon interest rates, developers will purposely let properties go deliquent because the fines are less than the cost of money to pay the taxes. I learned this when living in Colorado and reviewing the tax lien sales and discovered the majority of property owners in deliquency were developers.

  • loandudefromsac5th September, 2006

    hmmm... i just got into bandit signs and they are working great. i have been told to take some down, but those i dont leave up over a weekend anymore. what is this though about a banner? Are you talking about one drapped out, for a day then put back in?

  • andrewevangelista6th September, 2006

    I would either put it up for a day or two then move it to another location.

  • InActive_Account8th September, 2006

    andrew, it sounds like a great idea. If you want to make sure it stays up, then how about you partner up on the banner with an event such as a softball game, church outing, family reunion, block party, neighborhood watch, company bbq, etc. It might bring added credibility as well as keep your banner up longer.

  • andrewevangelista8th September, 2006

    That sounds great, I will look into it. Thanks for the idea.

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