Marketing To N O T S

Ok, I am marketing to Notice of trustee sales, because the notice of defaults is not public record. In Texas, this notice of trustee sale is given at least 21 days before the auction. Is that enough time to do repeat mailings of the same letter? What would be the strategy to improving the results? Every other investor has the same 21+ days to mail, so they get a lot of mail. I am getting a decent response, 8-9 calls out of 1100 initial mailing.

[ Edited by hha8 on Date 01/28/2006 ]


  • tinman175516th November, 2005

    This add always works for my investor friends. "Why rent when you can own this house for the same rental payment" Or Zero Money Down!!!! Use the "security deposit" as the down payment.


  • DaShow16th November, 2005

    "Free Directv" "First Month Rent Free" "Free Internet"
    I would try to offer something that makes you stand out or offer something that is marketable to your market. Just my opinion!

  • monkfish16th November, 2005

    Have you at least put a "for rent" sign out front?

  • jwalko17th November, 2005


    Thanks...great idea.

    I also wonder if it is because of the holidays. Maybe I am just being too impatient.

    Another ad just came up in the same area for a 3 bed 1 bath. He is asking $100 more per month than me. Based on other "rentals" in the area, I have to believe my price is fair and reasonable.


  • goldstuff0001st December, 2005

    I will tell you what our signs say that pull in calls every day every week...they say "Welcome Home! Cant get a Loan? Rent to Own!" and our 24 hour recorded phone number...We brainstormed this in about 10 minutes then tested it with one bandit a week it pulled in about 6 we ordered 15 more bandit signs and sure enough our response shot up big time....try that wording and let me know how it works in the way its copywritten so contact me and i will let you know where to send the royalty checks..(just kiddin!)

  • goldstuff0002nd December, 2005

    oh ok well good at least you got someone in there...ok thats fine i would like to see if that sign works for ya....i know the first part "Welcome Home!" sounds kinda funny but i think it works cause it gets people to look at the sign wondering what the Welcome Home means instead of seeing a generic "Rent to Own" sign ya know? anyways let us know! have a good one

  • TNproperties29th January, 2006

    I am haveing same problem technically, but I havent ran any ads because for this exact reason. I have been making the 1200/mo mortgage on this rehab for the past 1/1/2 yrs. Been sitting on MLS and wont sell. Sorry , didnt mean to hijack..let me know how it works out.


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