Marketing Materials

Looking for a company that produces quality and affordable marketing materials. Pens, pencils, clothing, etc. Anything that can fit my company logo on it. Any suggestions??


  • jam20027th April, 2004

    My suggestion would be to google it...

  • chris122027th April, 2004

    That's what I'm doing now,I just thought that someone might have experience wth a particular company....

  • kpaddler1st June, 2004

    There is an excellent company out there that is reasonable, delivers on time and is easy to work with- name is Barbara-941-753-4444

  • miraclehomes1st June, 2004

    I would utilize my money elsewhere.......

  • chris12201st June, 2004

    Such as.......

  • bgrossnickle1st June, 2004

    the ponies, jai alai, slot machines, drugs, what else??

    I am also looking to get my company name nicely monogrammed on some collared shirts and nice leather notebooks for when I door knock. It is part of looking professional and part of a larger company.


  • chris12201st June, 2004

    Ahhh Yes.... what better way to get clients to notice your business than to entice them w/ sinful temptations... Excellent marketing strategy Brenda!!
    When you get locked up, I mail you cigarettes! (Smile)
    I do agree though it's all about establishing your business and promoting it in a professional manner.

  • miraclehomes2nd June, 2004

    I guess everyone does different things...... Where would I better use my money? More advertising. The last thing that I want is the people that I am talking to , to think is that I am with some big company. Professional is fine. All you have to do is look at statistics. Pens and calendars that have your name on them are not cost effective. If it makes you feel better about yourself, then hey, indulge yourself. Shirts with your company name on them, fine. Leather case, hey go right ahead. Those are personal items, but as far as pens etc.., not a good choice. Put more ads in the paper, put up more signs. Now that is advertising. As for door knocking, I don't do any type of door to door sales, and I definately don't want to look like the Kirby Salesman, but hey, these are only my opinions. Good luck with your investing.[ Edited by miraclehomes on Date 06/02/2004 ]

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