Marketing For Vacation Rentals? Help!

I have a casual 'lunch' meeting this Sunday with the owner of a 'Beachfront Vacation Rental' Business and we will be discussing if I could be of service to his company in the Marketing aspects. I really want to work with this guy because I know it would open up a world of opportunities for me in the real estate business as well as giving me the opp. to share some of my Creative Investing ideas with him later on.

I have all kinds of marketing ideas for buying and selling properties but I think Vacation Rentals are much different. Where in the world do you market Vacation Rentals? Any suggestions, ideas, methods, or strategies would be more help than I can even express.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice!



  • KyleGatton10th November, 2003

    There are numerous websites offering vacation rentals. The best way ois to market to the people vacationing in the area that you have targeted. Here in Florida most of the purchaseres or rentoers of winter houses here, have done so from the local advertisements when they were here previously. The next best would be word of mouth from there friends.

    Good Luck,

  • InActive_Account10th November, 2003

    You might consider going to as many local hotels as you can and find those racks with local attractions. You know the ones with all the boring tourist leaflets, local maps, etc. Find out if you can place you vacation rentals leaflet on the stand or what company is the contact for doing so. If the hotels won't let you do this, then go to where the attractions are and place your marketing material there.


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