Marco Kozlowski Luxury Home Seminar In Vegas

Did anybody attend the Marco Kozlowski Seminar In Vegas This Past Weekend?






<BR>Jeff Adam


[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 01/23/2008 ]


  • Jeffrey4th March, 2004

    I had two friends go and neither on liked it at all, they felt they did not do anything but throw their money away.

  • dym7th March, 2004

    I went to both the one in November and the one in a couple weeks ago. Had a great time each time. He makes the assumption that you know a little bit about real estate investment and a lot of the info will appear useless if you don't already have a basic understanding (primarily of the Ron LeGrand philosophy).

    Pricewise it seems to be comparable (maybe a little more) to what the other "guru's" charge.

    The opinion expressed here is my own. You're welcome to disagree with me, but please don't bite my head off because of it.

  • JeffAdams7th March, 2004

    Are you going to start auctioning off
    <BR>5 million dollar houses for 3 million and
    <BR>make 1 million??

    [ Edited by JeffAdams on Date 06/02/2007 ][ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 01/23/2008 ]

  • DealerJo7th March, 2004

    Very interesting!

    How do you " ...auctioning off
    5 million dollar houses for 3 million and
    make 1 million?? "

    You must know that Jeff, your banner says you are a million dollar maker guru yourself.

  • JeffAdams7th March, 2004

    Dealer Jo:
    I have talked to people that have gone to his camp and have said it is awesome![ Edited by JeffAdams on Date 06/02/2007 ]

  • dym7th March, 2004

    Does it work? Well, I've had 3 friends do it successfully. One made ~$250K. Another made just shy of $900K. I don't remember the details on the 3rd.

    I had one fall through at the last moment.

    I'm not going to try and convince people that it works. Either you believe it does or you don't. Either way, you're right.[ Edited by dym on Date 03/07/2004 ]

  • DealerJo7th March, 2004

    Marko Kozlowski made 3 million on a house in California. So he says.

    Did anyone hear of the guru of all gurus called Baron Munchausen? I heard is the best one but if he comes to TCI, he could face some tough compitition with some of our dearly succesfull members.

    Marco Kozlowski technique works. I just heard someone in AZ made $1,7mill too. I think you should all go to his seminar and make millions after that.

    I would watch from the sidelines.


    [ Edited by DealerJo on Date 03/07/2004 ]

  • dozu10th March, 2004

    ok, so he makes $3m on a deal. and he has to give the seminar to 1000 suckers to gross $3m.

    And he chooses the hard way.

  • lpoitras10th March, 2004

    I heard his tape and it went something like this, he found a home that had been up for over 3 years or so, talked the owner into letting him auction it off and also taking care of the realtor who the owner had a relationship with. He found this deal through a high end art dealer who knew a lot of rich people. Also auctioned off some furniture and a yacht, made an obscene amount of money. But he also got the auctioner to pay for the marketing which cost a lot by offering him a cut, also the auctioneer had the right client list. They did it in 3 weeks. It sounds like you have to have ALL the right connections but it did sound legit.

  • Locutus914th March, 2004

    I also ran into a student of his, and she made $250K off a deal that she did in San Francisco after the Vegas bootcamp. She WAS really impressed with the bootcamp, and hopes to do as many of the big deals as possible. And who wouldn't?

  • DealerJo14th March, 2004

    I think it's all fluff. CNN reports in San Francisco and LA houses sells in meter of days.

    If that's true, no reason not to be, why would someone have the problem selling a house for 3 years just to have Mr. K sell it on a huge discount for them? Why not discount yourself and sell witha broker who specialize in that aria? But if he and his students does maker such deals, good for him and good for them and those newbies who buy whatever they are told to do.

    [ Edited by DealerJo on Date 03/14/2004 ]

  • jbinvestor14th March, 2004


  • Jeffrey24th March, 2004

    If anyone attends any of his Future Seminars with all the info that this form makes possible for people to gather and not make the mistakes and save the money others weren't able to....than shame on them. Put your Money with experienced Guru's and or your marketing. Just my opinion. :-D :-D :-D

  • vatt0224th March, 2004

    If he can make $1Million so easily, why would he shares that information with you guys?

  • JeffAdams24th March, 2004

    I heard his bootcamp is very informative.[ Edited by JeffAdams on Date 06/02/2007 ]

  • Zenobia793rd April, 2004

    I am playing devil's advocate so please consider the source. Why do any of the gurus teach? They ALL teach that we should have multiple income streams. Why not impart your wisdom and generate another income RIVER? If I perfect a new twist on a technique, I plan to teach it, wouldn't you? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • Lufos3rd April, 2004

    Come on Guys, and you too Girls,

    What he is really teaching or instructing is once again the one item that you should all be working on. You do not buy books for this, you can use all sorts of methods, but it all boils down to one great and wonderful skill. Negotiation.

    If you can talk someone into selling you a property at half price or even two thirds price. You have won. You can market it in any way your fancy desires. You can go on Sunday Television and give animated walk thru tours of the property and if you can sell it under market it will sell. Auction if you like but why bother. Just call your local brokers in the area, tell them what you have and get out of the way. They will be there waving checks and trying to elbow each other out of the way.

    So simple, yet, sometimes very difficult.

    An Example. Big Time Agent, just found out he has AIDS, got it from a client, dunt esk. But he will be leaving.and soon. So you negotiate and pick up his lovely baroque Calif Colonial Spanish mansion with the blue tile roof. You just list it, or radio program it, or put signs all up and down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. I mean Bandit Signs sneaked into the front display windows at Gucci! Or you frame up pictures of the house with big copy at the bottom in heavy bold type. For Sale by "Almost" Owner. You pay the restaurant to hang them for a day. $100 will do cause they think its fun. You cover the place. You go into the toilet and above the Urnils, Pictures and description of the property. . You go to the parking garage and put one on each windshield. Oh what fun.

    It sells. Big deal, you do not need smarts you need Hutsbah my god I can't even spell. The word is guts, presance, just go do it and have fun doing it. One of the biggest dumbest houses I ever sold, really bad design look'd like something Trump the Frump would be involved in. But it sold. You know what sold it? A bandit sign in the mens washroom at the Friars Club. Or the time the hatcheck girl stuffed a flyer in the pocket of every overcoat, raincoat, fake racoon coat. etc. etc.

    Nat and Als, in the washroom. "For a good time dont call Susie, check out this house." A picture and a price. The price was just about 75% of the market. It sold. I got a few letters. One really mean broker informed me that he would not be attending my Bar Mistsfah and that also went for any Babtist proceedings. I sold it. Gave three commissions away. All small ones under $1,000 each.

    Its fun, relax enjoy yourself revert back to your ten year old self. And guess what you will make money and you will laugh all the way to the bank....

    Lucius Old, Ugly,
    Limp, but I laugh a lot.

    8-) 8-)

  • dreammaker22429th November, 2007

    What is the update on successes or failures with students and attendees? No related posts in quite awhile. I was thinking about going to one of his seminars. We focus on luxury homes anyway.

    Any feedback guys and gals??

  • Stockpro9930th November, 2007

    Two of the guys in my office are trying it in our market but without much success. The higher end stuff is just shooting downwards in value.

    Had a 13,000 SF house that was appraised over 4 million two years ago offered to us at 450K.

    Many million plus homes now going for 50% to 60%.

    Locally we have somewhere between 3-4 years of inventory for houses in the 450K to 1M range and a large inventory of the over 1M as well...

  • JeffAdams23rd January, 2008

    definitely.... there are some great bargains out there
    and if you can hold on to them for when the market
    turns, there is a huge opportunity.

    Jeff Adams[ Edited by JohnLocke on Date 01/23/2008 ]

  • xlr8tor6411th March, 2008

    And for the people wondering what deal Marco made all that money on, it was in a market that houses in that price range were a rarity at a time before the big real estate boom we all just went through. It was in Orlando, FL.

    I just recently moved from the area, and houses in the 3-5 million dollar range are a VERY rare breed in that area, mostly need to head NE up past Daytona Beach, or way south on the coast to find those kinds of properties. That is why the house sat for so long. Most people spending 5 million on a house in Florida dont picture being landlocked in Orlando.

    And please remember the big profit he made was from EVERYTHING in the deal, including the household items, vehicles, boats, etc... still, not a bad days work... and why would he teach a bunch of noobs his precious secrets?
    Well, could it be because noobs might actually stumble onto a multimillion dollar deal and vapor lock and call marco to help them out, for an equal share or better? Imagine having bird dogs paying you a thousand dollars to come learn how they can work for you?

  • DaveTPO614th May, 2008

    NO ADVERTISING- NICE TRY![ Edited by Stockpro99 on Date 05/14/2008 ]

  • Stockpro9914th May, 2008

    We have seen some incredible deals lately (I am sure the same is happening all over the country).

    I still like Sub-To the best...

    I have some higher enders that I am just working the shorts on and taking a commission of 15K plus.

    Makes for nice cash flow and is in addition to our other ventures..


  • realestategod6th September, 2008


    marco said that you were initially skeptical of his claims and he gave you his stuff to try and you did and made yourself a 200k profit

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