Many Deals And Then What?

We are old hat to property value assessments in the area we are in, (field being southern colorado), but have not ventured into the investing side, thus are new to the aspect of bird dogging. We know of properties that fit the criteria that make for a good flip or the investing side of real estate and are now stuck. Alot of sites and local people want us to pay a triple digit fee to become one of their associates and then supply them with the information of these properties, yet none of these individuals have the answers to, or will respond as to what kind of redemption or compensation is standard for one who supplies these type of properties. Can anyone give advice as to what is a norm or a 123 philosiphy here? Frustration is wanting/having a win-win situation and this bird dog has hit deaf ears.

[ Edited by roc_randy on Date 08/02/2006 ]


  • happyhome3rd August, 2006

  • Thawkins4th August, 2006

    Thanks so much, WOW this is perfect, how accurate do you think the numbers are? 75%- 90%

    By the way this is the best forum, I receive such great info!

    I have another question. I need a great contract /agreement for my many bird dogs that can be modified to state the price I will pay them for info.

    I need a Great PA to use when I am purchasing homes and spells out that I may/can/will be assigning it to another person.

    As a wholesaler, I need an agreement to use with my clients that outlines my fee and that I am not liable for any damages etc. and make no warranty to the property for anything. I also want to receive my fee after the property has been approved for purchase. I am not a Realtor yet, and legally I have been told can not receive payment at closing because I technically don’t own the property other that by a signed and approved (assignable) PA.

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