Qualities Of A Real Estate Investor
The personal investor
A form of person-to-person communication in
Which a investor works with prospective
Sellers and attempts to influence their
Needs in the direction of making a
WIN - WIN deal
Liked Qualities
Skills you have to master:
Get your priorities set - This is pertinent for a busy investor's schedule
You Must Have An Escape Plan as an investor and know what you will do with the property!
Flip for profit But what if you cant?
Hold & Rent But what if you cant?
Trade it But what if you cant?
Now you must:
Refinance For Cash Out & Hold or Dump
Your Plan must be well thought out by using the "What if factor"
Do, Learn, Regroup; Do, Learn, Regroup is the key to your initial success!
Get up 15 minutes earlier and know what you are going to wear
that day.
Develop the habit of making good notes. Keep reference notes
to guide you in your activities.
Be decisive - act fast.
Don't get bogged down in details. "Don't major in minors."
Look for short cuts to make things easier for you, i.e. work
smarter and not necessarily harder.
Learn to take a break. One of the worst time stealers is to be
harassed and tired. Take frequent catnaps to conserve your energy,
like Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher did.
Stop day dreaming and just do it.