make money

Hi I need information. Heres the situation I have a home that has a first of 130000 that is in default and a second for 6600 which is in default. The home needs no work and it can sell for 160000 easy. Can I quit deed this property over to an investor and he negotiate a short term payof offer of 15-20% less than the payoff with the banks and the investor sell the property back to me and I and I sell the property away and we all win/win without anything in writing from the investor or should he give me something stating his intentions. Can he put a guarantee in writing? If interested please call @ 877-267-2109, or please reply.

[ Edited by lornadawn on Date 10/25/2002 ]

[ Edited by lornadawn on Date 10/25/2002 ]

[ Edited by lornadawn on Date 10/25/2002 ][ Edited by lornadawn on Date 10/25/2002 ]


  • way_motivated25th October, 2002

    if you know of some investors who would take it, get it under contract and assign it for 2 or 3k (maybe even less, don't want to get too greedy the other investor has to profit too!!))or simultaneously close it walk away and rinse repeat.....or you could eve bird-dog it and see if the other investor will show you how it's done.....get creative and let loose.....but be safe

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