Lufos Aka Lucius

Congratulations on becoming an All Star Investor.

I recognized you were one when I saw the apartment building next to your name. I must warn you however that this building looks like it should be "condemned".

All these posts and you have reached the ranks of becoming a "Slum Landlord"

Now as for myself I have two of these atrocious looking buildings next to my name and only 1,491 more posts and I become the King of the Slum Landlords.

My best to you and looking forward to many more posts from you.

John $Cash$ Locke


  • omega114th February, 2004

    Only 1,491 post behind?

    Ah, that's nothing for Lufos. If he raves up, he'll hook another crocked high riser before we can clap in disbelief. Never the less, the "first in a row biggy" calls for a party to be thrown out at Orlando, FL conference, celebrating Lufos AKA Lucius arrival in his private jet.

    Beef up the security guys. From the hills of North Hollywood, the Lufos is coming - Big Time!

  • JeffAdams14th February, 2004

    My hats off to Lufos!
    It makes coming to this site on a daily basis a pleasure!

    Jeff Adam

  • vlynn00714th February, 2004

    Conratulations Lucius you are nulli secundus. You deserve it. Thanks so much for all the help and advise you have given me and other Newbies. This site would not be what it is without investors like yourself to show us the way. Three things that come to mind when I think of you:

    amicus humani generis

    fortes fortuna iuvat

    audaces fortuna iuvat

    Thanks again and please keep doing what you do. Impart the knowledge with a bit of humor.

    rara avis,


    Carpe Diem
    [ Edited by vlynn007 on Date 02/14/2004 ]

  • NancyChadwick14th February, 2004

    Dear Lucius,

    In the immortal words of one of your old drinking buddies (Winston Churchill)...

    "Carry on, and dread nought" ...
    "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result"...
    "Never...was so much owed by so many to so few" ...
    "Give us the tools, and we will finish the job."

    Many happy ROI's.


  • thealmon14th February, 2004


    I hate Real Estate.

    Robert Allen

  • lorien14th February, 2004

    I'd like a ground floor unit please!!

    Well done!!

  • AllCash4Homes14th February, 2004

    you da man, lufos!

    will you be my mentor?


  • jackman14th February, 2004

    i thot i saw that brooklyn co-op go up next to your name. hahahaha. keep writing man ... i know you have more stories to keep us entertained while we learn and not even realize it.

    ur da best!

  • Lufos14th February, 2004

    Dear Friends,

    Fellow searchers after wealth in the dirt. Saviors of depressed humanity. And you to Omega.

    Thank you for your nice comments, it makes it all worth while. I will try to decrease the BS but frankly the market out there is churning so fast I think I am in a marathon and at 81 that aint good.

    Today I had a front door slamned so hard in my face it jerked loose the Jack and King Stud and fell at my feet. There I stood my mouth wide open. The entire frame came with it. So of course I said the first thing that popped.
    "Well! This changes things, can I get a discount now?"

    No I did'nt get the deal but when we all got through laughing I think I made a friend. I am going back tomorrow to try and rehang the door.

    There is very little equity and I am worried a about the construction. Looks like it was built by Gypsys and very late at night.

    Thanks again for all the nice postings.

    Your friend Lucius with a few splinters in my hair.

  • patricc6815th February, 2004

    hey LUCIOUS..........heheheheeeee <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_lol.gif"> <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> 18 years old my ass...[ Edited by patricc68 on Date 02/15/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account15th February, 2004

    Lucius,Talking about poor construction. About 10 years ago a builder friend of mine hired a mexican framing crew. They would frame the walls solid and raise the wall then take a chain saw and cut out the door and window frames.

  • InActive_Account15th February, 2004


    I have a tear in my one good eye. You've finally hit the big time! I'm collecting some of your comments for a book called , Luciusisms for Fun a Profit". I figure to make a million.

    I am one of your most loyal students & admirers. My question to you, once you got your first apartment building, why was I the first to be evicted?? My legal clinic attorney will be contacting in the morning. LOL

  • rjs935215th February, 2004

    Congradulations Lufos!!

    Here's to another 81 years of investing.

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • mcole15th February, 2004

    Well... I guess I have to add my 2 cents.
    "Sir Lucius Foster" I must say you possess a truly unique mind -- talented, creative and funny. And I enjoy every one of your posts. So, keep 'em coming!

  • SissyT15th February, 2004

    My sweet friend Lucius
    Congratulations! All Star!
    You are a real gem to all of us here. Always ready to help and give very valuable advice and reaching out to help someone new in the business. You are one of a kind. we are so blessed to have you on the TCI board.
    Your #1 fan

  • Gonzo15th February, 2004


    Congratulations on reaching this plateau.

    Your posts have been extremely enjoyable and worth the return to this site.

    Keep on posting.


  • amfels0715th February, 2004

    You the man Luc...... Best wishes to you and yours

  • WheelerDealer16th February, 2004


    Do you need a new Rolls or is the glue still holding the Spirit of Ecstay in place?

    Keep driving I have my seat-belt on.

  • results_one16th February, 2004

    You are always giving all of us newbies great advice or making us laugh!
    Keep it up, you are a unique person that I am glad to know.

  • omega117th February, 2004

    On 2004-02-15 20:23, MichaelChandler wrote:
    Lucius,Talking about poor construction. About 10 years ago a builder friend of mine hired a mexican framing crew. They would frame the walls solid and raise the wall then take a chain saw and cut out the door and window frames.


    Michael C.

    This framing technique sounds like a real construction gem. Can you trace that crew down, I would like to give 'em a job and then apply to include them on the framer's whole of fame. One condition thou, they will not be allowed to touch that wall

    Guess who is presiding the board of framers whole of fame commission?

  • kfuro17th February, 2004

    with all due respect I do not see the big deal with lufos?

    Ok I do, his mind is exhilirating and his humbleness is infectious.

    keep it up Sir,( you should be knighted)


  • GFous18th February, 2004


    I guess if you knew you were going to live this long you would have taken better care of yourself?

    Its mind expanding to think you may have forgotten more than the rest of us know ( It's a good thing you can fill in the blanks with great stories)

    Keep up the postings. There is never a dull or wasted one.
    I enjoy them and look forward to them - no matter the topic.


  • SolutionsKid19th February, 2004

    I could always sit and listen to my grandfather tell his stories of life, the war, the depression, and all the hardships he had to always amazed me. Even at 28, I still would give anything to sit at his feet and listen.

    There are too many cliches in the world, so I just say what I mean..."Lucius, I bet you've got some great stories...some good, some bad...but dam I bet you have some great stories."

    As James Dean said (or maybe it was just The Eagles "I bet my life, would be alright, if I could see it on the silver screen)

    Best Regards,

  • s4809819th February, 2004

    Thank you for all the you contributions to this board. It's one of the reason I keep coming back here.
    Is any way to track all the posts by a user?
    Keep them up. Lufos.

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