LOTS Of Forums!

Wow! Is it me or are there a lot of different forums here in the commercial board at TCI?? It seems like there are too many and maybe condensing them would be good? Is there a way when you log in to search the forums such that all new posts are listed on one page? I belong to other forums and that is a feature they have...it saves you from having to manually go to each forum and reading it in there...all new posts since the last visit are shown to you all in one page.

At any rate, TCI is great, but what do you all think about condensing forums to add more cohesion since all topics are really inter-related.


  • commercialking18th August, 2004

    Actually, the number of commercial forums is going to decline to 8 or 9 over the next week or so. We've come up with new forums which are part of this move to a seperate TCI commercial site. Over the next week or so the moderators are going to go through all the old commercial forums and re-post everything to the new forums. Then the old forums will be eliminated. But for now you have both sets of forum up. Sorry about that.

  • joel18th August, 2004

    The Topics and Comments area on the left hand side of everypage, brings in ALL the latest topics from every Commercial Forum.

    On the Residential side, it brings in all the topics from the Residential Forums.

    So you see, Topics and Comments follow you around the website while your working, and you can participate in all the discussions. The Forum area is so we can categorize the topics and index them for later viewing and searches.

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