Lot Owner Says Move MH Prior To Tenant Lease Exp


I have a mobile home with a tenant in it (WA State). The problem is the lot lease expires March 31, 2004 and the lot owner wants me to move the mobile home else where by then. I have a tenant living in the mobile home at this time with a lease which runs through May 31, 2004.

Can I give 30 days notice to tenant to vacate by March 31, 2004? Would that be considered "me breaking the lease agreement"? If so, how would you handle it? My tenant states that I can not make him leave prior to May 31, 2004 or I would have to pay his rent elsewhere for the last 2 months. Is this true? Any advise would be appreciated.

I have the mobile home for sale at this time with very few lookers.

My e-mail address is **Please See My Profile** Please email me as I do not always check this message board.

Thanks in advance,

Debbie confused


  • pejames12th January, 2004

    Hello Debbie,
    Have you considered selling to the current tennant and letting them worry about the move. Just a thought. Good luck

  • deblica12th January, 2004

    The tenant is not to interested in buying the house. Land is hard to come by . It would need to be put in a MH park.

  • pejames12th January, 2004

    See if the current lot owner is interested and if not, if they have any suggestions as to how you might find a place to move it to? Try and locate a local Real Estate Agent and see if they can be of help.

  • InActive_Account12th January, 2004

    If you own it free and clear, if it isn't worth moving, abandon it. Give the park owner the title.

  • deblica12th January, 2004

    I have the mobile home listed with a RE agent.
    I begged this morning for an extention on the lot lease through May 31st with no luck. The lot owner is in no way interested in any MH. I still owe $2,500- on the MH.

    I am looking for something that I can evict the tenant out over. Perhaps, cleaning up his yard and removing cars or too many dogs that are not on the lease. I asked the realtor to go over there and "look".

    Thanks for all you suggestions.

  • loanwizard14th January, 2004

    Has the landowner given you a written 30 day notice to vacate? By the sounds of things you seem to have a problem tenant that is maybe causing the whole problem. Most leases (my experience is only in Ohio), at the end become month to month unless there is written notice. You might need to consult an attorney. If it gets down and dirty, if you don't remove the MH by the deadline, the landowner may not just hook a truck to it and pull it away. They will have to go through the court system and if you drag your feet enough and get a continuance, perhaps by the time it actually makes it to the courtroom, it will be time for the tenant to move on. Please do not do anything to try to get your tenant out early unless it is to pay them some bucks to move. That is called constructive eviction and can be more expensive than the $2500.00 you owe. Dicey situation and I think you need true legal advise.
    Good Luck,

  • deblica28th January, 2004

    Thanks everyone for your support and advise. The good news is that the tenant did not pay his rent which allows me to have grounds to evict him. Never thought I would be happy to go through an eviction. The tenant called me yesterday and said he will be vacated by tomorrow.


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