Lost Post Of: Omg What To Do Next?

apparently with matters unknown to me, my post got deleted or lost or something. i dont think i broke any of the TCI rules but anyway...

my question so far is:

in a SS does the bank only take into account only the house in a preforclosure deal or do they also take into consideration the hardship of the owner?

for my scenerio the owner is disabled, goin into foreclosure, and getting a divorce and wants to walk with 20k. house is in good condition and only realy needs a paint job and the grass mowed.

fmv: 120k/3yrs ago-tax statement said that the house is worth 130k now.

owes 83k
arears 2k
repairs 1k

sounds like a keeper if i could get the SS to go thru.

watcha think?

~*ahab*~"aLl ThIs InVesTiNg Is mAkiNg Me KrOsS EyEd!?" [ Edited by ahabion on Date 10/30/2003 ]


  • Perluser30th October, 2003


    I was reading all replies to your question on the original post when it has disappeared. I also don’t think that you have violated any TCI rules. The discussion was interesting. Hope it will continue.

    Best of luck with this deal to you.


  • ahabion30th October, 2003

    hmmm i guess it must be something with the server or something, a bug in the site? dunno but something is up with the site cuase i dont see any topics/comments on the left, its saying that theres no content right now for this block. hehe GL to the admins, hope you guys do us ALL a favor and get this site into its original shape. WE need this site, well i know i do anyway.


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