Los Angeles Area Newbies

Are there any newbies in the Los Angeles area interested in teaming up to motivate / encourage / support one another in the direction of completing our first deals?

I began learning the art of CREI in May and made the commitment to myself to complete ONE deal or at least bird dog a few properties for some local seasoned investors by years end. I've since had an accident that resulted in me being in a cast and relying on crutches for 4 months, but I've recovered quite a bit and want to realize my initial goal.

Like many of you, I've purchased and read the CREI courses and I read info on TCI everyday! I'm determined to not let my purchases turn into hefty donations to these home course authors by placing the material in the closet to collect dust and house spiders. If you are tired of stalling, and are at the edge needing that extra push of support and encouragement to submerge yourself into this exciting, challenging and rewarding business...let's connect! If you have the determination, drive, and willingness to make a positive directional change, sometimes all you need is that push of support to realize your goals.

If you can relate to what I'm expressing and are interested in a "buddy support" until we begin to realize true CREI transactions, feel free to PM me. I'm in LA on the Westside.

Peace, Blessings, and Prosperity to you all!

Nikki wink

Attainment of your goals is always nice, but the growth that you experience along the way is what makes you even stronger. Stop wanting...START HAVING!


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